You are about to discover the Secrets, most women will never know about Love, Relationships, Sex, Dating, Weight loss and Success

The Goddess Guide to Life

“She dances to the sound of the ocean, her partner is the wind. They sky and the sun watch in joy as she dances and laughs. Each breath is a new beginning for her to love more. Sharing her joy and love with all life is The Color of a Woman’s Heart” ~ Casey Leasure

Hi Beautiful, here are some tips to help you Unleash Your Inner Goddess and Love Your Life

1. Watch your thoughts – Be careful what you think, our thoughts create our reality. When we have thoughts of misery, poverty, lack, despair, loneliness, fear and anger, we attract the people and situations that will bring more of that to us. Your life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow, it all depends on the thoughts you practice.

Everything we do in life whether positive or negative has a payoff.

What payoff do you get for being sad and unhappy?

What payoff do you get out of not having enough money?

What payoff do you get from feeling stressed and overwhelmed?

What payoff do you get from being unfit?

What is the upside to staying where you are?

2. Let go of your old stories Every time you tell your ‘victim’ story, you recondition your subconscious mind and instruct it to re-record that same old story. What would you prefer? To grumble each day about how miserable your life is and live that as a self-fulfilling prophecy, Or to believe life is wonderful and each day holds new and exciting adventures for you? When we complain, judge or blame anyone else we are really blocking off the things we really want in our lives by preventing the good flowing in. when we focus on what we don’t want, especially with disempowering emotions such as fear, anger and worry, we get even more of what we don’t want. How would you like to feel instead? When you allow your mind to shape your destiny, wonderful things start to happen. If you need help letting go of your old stories and beliefs, coaching may help, just visit my website for more information.


3. Let go of what is draining you – old beliefs and stories, clutter (emotional, spiritual and physical clutter), people?


4.Create a new truth, our truths are not set in stone, they are fluid and dynamic. What is your new truth?


5.Meditation – when we take time to relax and really listen to and connect with what is really going on in our heart, we will find peace. Some people call the voice intuition, a gut feeling, Spirit, Angels, God or Goddess. Most women, due to their hectic lives have forgotten how to listen to it and have become disconnected from their Inner Goddess. A great way to reconnect with your Inner Goddess is to quiet your mind and go inward during meditation. Start with as little as 5 minutes morning and night.

6.Live Your Purpose – Sometimes when we are off track, life gives us a shove, and it’s normally something we don’t like. Maybe you find your job boring and suddenly you’ve been made redundant. Or maybe you say, my partner drives me crazy, and the next thing he is flirting with someone else. Have you ever said, I’m exhausted, but I don’t have time for a holiday, and find yourself laid up in bed for a week with the flu?

Often we fail to head the warnings in the early stages, we wait until things become desperate before we are willing to do something about them. Life whispers at first to us, and when we fail to listen, it gets louder and louder, but if we fail to notice then sometimes it gives us a nasty wake up call. This may be a job loss, the death of a loved one, an illness or accident or the end of a relationship. It will do this to make us wake up enough to realize what we are doing is not working and that we have to change the way we are thinking, behaving or living.

Are you doing what makes your heart sing?

Are you with people who love you and you love?

Are you doing what you came here to do?

What is the difference you are on this earth to make?

What will you be remembered for?

What is your legacy?

When you align yourself with your true purpose, life becomes effortless. When we are doing what inspires us and uses our unique gifts and talents, we will feel fulfilled. Life will support your every move and you will attract the right people to you. If you need some guidance to living your purpose, I offer a 60 minute life purpose numerology coaching session, just go to my website to find out more


7. Ask powerful questions –

What can I do differently?

How can things be even better than this?

What inspires me?

What brings me joy?

What makes me feel beautiful?


8. Create a new vision for your life. Write out what you want in your life as if it is happening now. Write out the next 5, 10, 20, 50 years. Be big and bold, dream big gorgeous one.

– The first step to manifesting your desires is to first identify what it is that you want

– Visualize what you really want – see it, smell it, taste it and hear it as if it has already been accomplished.

– Attach a desire to it and fall in love with your desires

– Believe that it will happen

– Let go of the outcome

– Be grateful for its accomplishment, even though it has not yet manifested

– Set an intention

– Read your vision aloud every night just before you go to sleep

– Take inspired action

– Be open to receive

– Watch your dreams and desires unfold


9. Look for Bliss in every moment – look for the things to appreciate. Ignore anything that does not please you, don’t pay attention to it, just look for the things that feel good. Practice feeling good and gratitude and the more you do it, the more you will manifest what you truly desire.


10. Create your perfect environment – look at how you are living and with whom. Make your home a refuge from the outside world and install a sense of beauty, harmony and femininity.


11.Love the woman in the mirror. In order to be deeply loved by another you must love yourself first. The most important relationship you have is the one you have with yourself. Own your body, connect with your body and send loving thoughts to your body.

12.  Give yourself a pat on the back; tell yourself what a wonderful job you are doing


13.Nurture your body with sleep, gentle exercise, freshly cooked or raw foods, and reducing stress, visit a Day Spa and have a luscious massage and body treatment


14.Step into your feminine essence. Most women’s core energy is yin or feminine and most men are Yang or masculine, there are some women whose core is yang, while some men are predominately yin. A small number of people are evenly balanced between the two energies and can go either way. Although we tend to think of masculine and feminine energies as opposites, they’re not—they’re complementary. They create polarity; it’s the interplay of these energies that creates attraction. Unfortunately in our culture today, we are conditioning men to get too much in tune with their feminine side, while women are striving to keep up with and overtake men. We are taking over the male role both at home and at work. This lack of polarity totally wrecks relationships. So many women come to me with problems involving relationships, sex, intimacy, self-confidence, weight issues, career challenges and stress and more times than not it comes down to the fact that they are striving in their masculine energy. Now I am not suggesting that we become weak and go back to pre-women’s lib days. But too much masculine or ‘yang’ energy creates havoc with our hormones and menstrual cycle. Start to nurture your feminine essence with dancing, yoga, walking, playing, time with friends, creative pursuits, and move your hips.

15.Love Deeply and Passionately. tell your partner how much you love them, hug them and kiss….. passionately.  I’d love you to write down 10 things about them that you are grateful for … and then Tell Them (this works well for friends and family as well …. LOL except the kissing them passionately part)


16. Breathe. Our breath is our greatest source of energy and aliveness, yet most of us breathe just enough to stay alive. It is an instant way to activate your feminine essence and become present to the moment. Feminine essence is activated through the belly, hips, and pelvis—practice taking a breath that drops low into this region.


17. Be open to receive – Learning to receive is the greatest thing you can do. The limitation of money, the limitation of happiness and the limitation of love, is based on what you are unwilling to receive. Women are bad at receiving – we tend to give and give. It’s as if we don’t feel worthy of receiving. When we don’t allow ourselves to receive, we deny others the opportunity to give to us. Start accepting compliments.

Darling One, You hold the key to your happiness. 

Don’t put your life on hold for a moment longer.

Dare to give birth to the beautiful, magnificent goddess within.

Life is too precious for you to not live it fully

It is time to live your truth

Stop being a victim

Surrender and let go of your old thoughts and limitations

Connect with your purpose

Connect with your spirit

Connect with the goddess within

Join me as we hold each other’s hands

Let go of the familiar and Jump out into the unknown

The biggest risk you can take is to not take any risks at all

Let’s reawaken into the essence of who we really are

It’s time to let your light shine

Have a wonderful day

Love Kim

Savvy Inspired Women

for more informaton about Life and Intimacy coaching and upcoming Workshops please visit

Comments on: "The Goddess Guide to Life" (5)

  1. hiddinsight said:

    Wow! Such great info in here I want to keep a reference to…I would love to reblog this!

  2. Reblogged this on persuaded2go and commented:
    I found this post had a TON of information in it that I wanted to sit and think about. It reminds me that I am in CONTROL of my own happiness. I can’t blame my boredom on my spouse OR my circumstances…I can only blame it on my. own. attitude. It’s a bit of a wake up call. If you need to WAKE yourself UP…read on!!

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