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Archive for the ‘Happiness’ Category

How to Create Your Luscious Goddess Life

The Goddess Guide to Creating Your Luscious Life

Life Coaching for Women

Create Your Luscious Goddess Life

Hi Gorgeous

We are living in exciting times! We have the opportunity to create and live a wonderful life, full of purpose and meaning yet so many of us don’t.

We put up with jobs we don’t enjoy.

We settle for mediocre relationships

We struggle financially
 We say to ourselves … I’ll live my life when the kids are grown …. when I have saved a little more money   … when I retire

… and we live day after day,exactly the same as the day before.

We are desperate to change, but we don’t know where to begin, let alone what to do.

And, eventually our hopes and dreams simply vanish.

Well beautiful, it’s time to put an end to the waiting … and to take the FIRST STEP to Designing Your Life!
Darling one you can create whatever you desire.

You are powerful beyond measure.

Dream Big,

Dream Lusciously because anything is possible.

Here are 17 Steps to Living Lusciously ….

1.Clear the Clutter – Emotional Clutter, Physical clutter and Body Clutter.

2. Create your sacred space for yourself.

3. Ask yourself this question: “If you knew you were going to die in a year, would you still be living the life you’re living?” If the answer is no, you might want to rethink things.

4. Let go of what does not serve you

5. Identify your dreams and desires, if you can’t figure out what you do want, get clear on what you DON’T want.

Dream BIG … don’t limit yourself

Write answers to this question ….. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if …… “

6. Don’t worry about the “how to”

7. Fire your Inner Critic – Dump the guilt, blame and shame

8. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people

9. Hire a coach or mentor

10. Ask the Universe for what you desire

11. Set Your Intentions

12. Take Inspired Action

13. Allow yourself to RECEIVE

14. Practice radical self-care …. Nurture your body, mind and spirit

15. Express Gratitude

“I am so happy and grateful that ……. “

“Today I feel so happy and grateful because ……”

16. Write in your Journal every day

 17. Believe in YOU – Darling one you can create whatever you desire. You are powerful beyond measure. Dream Big, Dream Lusciously because anything is possible

(oops I gave the wrong email address in the video – it is )


Now Beautiful take a leap of faith and fly!

If you would like to apply for a FREE Discovery session where you will Discover What is Holding You Back from Creating your Dream Life and receive your FREE Online Course – “The 6 Steps to Fabulous’ please visit my website

Dream Big

Love Passionately

Live Lusciously


Kim xxxx

The Goddess Guide to Life

“She dances to the sound of the ocean, her partner is the wind. They sky and the sun watch in joy as she dances and laughs. Each breath is a new beginning for her to love more. Sharing her joy and love with all life is The Color of a Woman’s Heart” ~ Casey Leasure

Hi Beautiful, here are some tips to help you Unleash Your Inner Goddess and Love Your Life

1. Watch your thoughts – Be careful what you think, our thoughts create our reality. When we have thoughts of misery, poverty, lack, despair, loneliness, fear and anger, we attract the people and situations that will bring more of that to us. Your life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow, it all depends on the thoughts you practice.

Everything we do in life whether positive or negative has a payoff.

What payoff do you get for being sad and unhappy?

What payoff do you get out of not having enough money?

What payoff do you get from feeling stressed and overwhelmed?

What payoff do you get from being unfit?

What is the upside to staying where you are?

2. Let go of your old stories Every time you tell your ‘victim’ story, you recondition your subconscious mind and instruct it to re-record that same old story. What would you prefer? To grumble each day about how miserable your life is and live that as a self-fulfilling prophecy, Or to believe life is wonderful and each day holds new and exciting adventures for you? When we complain, judge or blame anyone else we are really blocking off the things we really want in our lives by preventing the good flowing in. when we focus on what we don’t want, especially with disempowering emotions such as fear, anger and worry, we get even more of what we don’t want. How would you like to feel instead? When you allow your mind to shape your destiny, wonderful things start to happen. If you need help letting go of your old stories and beliefs, coaching may help, just visit my website for more information.


3. Let go of what is draining you – old beliefs and stories, clutter (emotional, spiritual and physical clutter), people?


4.Create a new truth, our truths are not set in stone, they are fluid and dynamic. What is your new truth?


5.Meditation – when we take time to relax and really listen to and connect with what is really going on in our heart, we will find peace. Some people call the voice intuition, a gut feeling, Spirit, Angels, God or Goddess. Most women, due to their hectic lives have forgotten how to listen to it and have become disconnected from their Inner Goddess. A great way to reconnect with your Inner Goddess is to quiet your mind and go inward during meditation. Start with as little as 5 minutes morning and night.

6.Live Your Purpose – Sometimes when we are off track, life gives us a shove, and it’s normally something we don’t like. Maybe you find your job boring and suddenly you’ve been made redundant. Or maybe you say, my partner drives me crazy, and the next thing he is flirting with someone else. Have you ever said, I’m exhausted, but I don’t have time for a holiday, and find yourself laid up in bed for a week with the flu?

Often we fail to head the warnings in the early stages, we wait until things become desperate before we are willing to do something about them. Life whispers at first to us, and when we fail to listen, it gets louder and louder, but if we fail to notice then sometimes it gives us a nasty wake up call. This may be a job loss, the death of a loved one, an illness or accident or the end of a relationship. It will do this to make us wake up enough to realize what we are doing is not working and that we have to change the way we are thinking, behaving or living.

Are you doing what makes your heart sing?

Are you with people who love you and you love?

Are you doing what you came here to do?

What is the difference you are on this earth to make?

What will you be remembered for?

What is your legacy?

When you align yourself with your true purpose, life becomes effortless. When we are doing what inspires us and uses our unique gifts and talents, we will feel fulfilled. Life will support your every move and you will attract the right people to you. If you need some guidance to living your purpose, I offer a 60 minute life purpose numerology coaching session, just go to my website to find out more


7. Ask powerful questions –

What can I do differently?

How can things be even better than this?

What inspires me?

What brings me joy?

What makes me feel beautiful?


8. Create a new vision for your life. Write out what you want in your life as if it is happening now. Write out the next 5, 10, 20, 50 years. Be big and bold, dream big gorgeous one.

– The first step to manifesting your desires is to first identify what it is that you want

– Visualize what you really want – see it, smell it, taste it and hear it as if it has already been accomplished.

– Attach a desire to it and fall in love with your desires

– Believe that it will happen

– Let go of the outcome

– Be grateful for its accomplishment, even though it has not yet manifested

– Set an intention

– Read your vision aloud every night just before you go to sleep

– Take inspired action

– Be open to receive

– Watch your dreams and desires unfold


9. Look for Bliss in every moment – look for the things to appreciate. Ignore anything that does not please you, don’t pay attention to it, just look for the things that feel good. Practice feeling good and gratitude and the more you do it, the more you will manifest what you truly desire.


10. Create your perfect environment – look at how you are living and with whom. Make your home a refuge from the outside world and install a sense of beauty, harmony and femininity.


11.Love the woman in the mirror. In order to be deeply loved by another you must love yourself first. The most important relationship you have is the one you have with yourself. Own your body, connect with your body and send loving thoughts to your body.

12.  Give yourself a pat on the back; tell yourself what a wonderful job you are doing


13.Nurture your body with sleep, gentle exercise, freshly cooked or raw foods, and reducing stress, visit a Day Spa and have a luscious massage and body treatment


14.Step into your feminine essence. Most women’s core energy is yin or feminine and most men are Yang or masculine, there are some women whose core is yang, while some men are predominately yin. A small number of people are evenly balanced between the two energies and can go either way. Although we tend to think of masculine and feminine energies as opposites, they’re not—they’re complementary. They create polarity; it’s the interplay of these energies that creates attraction. Unfortunately in our culture today, we are conditioning men to get too much in tune with their feminine side, while women are striving to keep up with and overtake men. We are taking over the male role both at home and at work. This lack of polarity totally wrecks relationships. So many women come to me with problems involving relationships, sex, intimacy, self-confidence, weight issues, career challenges and stress and more times than not it comes down to the fact that they are striving in their masculine energy. Now I am not suggesting that we become weak and go back to pre-women’s lib days. But too much masculine or ‘yang’ energy creates havoc with our hormones and menstrual cycle. Start to nurture your feminine essence with dancing, yoga, walking, playing, time with friends, creative pursuits, and move your hips.

15.Love Deeply and Passionately. tell your partner how much you love them, hug them and kiss….. passionately.  I’d love you to write down 10 things about them that you are grateful for … and then Tell Them (this works well for friends and family as well …. LOL except the kissing them passionately part)


16. Breathe. Our breath is our greatest source of energy and aliveness, yet most of us breathe just enough to stay alive. It is an instant way to activate your feminine essence and become present to the moment. Feminine essence is activated through the belly, hips, and pelvis—practice taking a breath that drops low into this region.


17. Be open to receive – Learning to receive is the greatest thing you can do. The limitation of money, the limitation of happiness and the limitation of love, is based on what you are unwilling to receive. Women are bad at receiving – we tend to give and give. It’s as if we don’t feel worthy of receiving. When we don’t allow ourselves to receive, we deny others the opportunity to give to us. Start accepting compliments.

Darling One, You hold the key to your happiness. 

Don’t put your life on hold for a moment longer.

Dare to give birth to the beautiful, magnificent goddess within.

Life is too precious for you to not live it fully

It is time to live your truth

Stop being a victim

Surrender and let go of your old thoughts and limitations

Connect with your purpose

Connect with your spirit

Connect with the goddess within

Join me as we hold each other’s hands

Let go of the familiar and Jump out into the unknown

The biggest risk you can take is to not take any risks at all

Let’s reawaken into the essence of who we really are

It’s time to let your light shine

Have a wonderful day

Love Kim

Savvy Inspired Women

for more informaton about Life and Intimacy coaching and upcoming Workshops please visit

5 Tips To Help You Fall in Love With Life Again


Get Happy

 Hello Beautiful

 Do You Love Your Life?

Here are 5 Tips on How To Fall in Love with Your Life Again!

 How to Fall In Love with Your Life Again

1.       See yourself as others do – Learn to appreciate what makes you unique. Take time to see yourself through the eyes of a friend. Imagine if they were asked to describe you – would they mention your dress size, your stretch marks, your cellulite or the fact that you are always late? I don’t think so – they would focus on everything they love about you! Start seeing yourself the way others do.Write down all the compliments that you can remember being given, and then simply stick the list on your bathroom mirror as a reminderGive compliments as well – praising others raises their self-esteem and yours.

 2.       If you make a mistake don’t beat yourself up …. Look at it as a learning experience and move on. 

3.       Set realistic standards – those who try to be perfect are some of the unhappiest people around. Throw away the ruler you are using to measure yourself with.

 4.       Stop comparing yourself to others, usually they are no happier than we are, we just assume they are!

 5.       Think about a time when you were really happy – what was happening in your life at the time? What has happened since then? Did you spend more time with friends? Go out more? Was it a certain activity or dance class that you loved? Did you have more time to yourself? Try to recreate what it was – do you need to reconnect with friends, discover what you are passionate about, join a club and try something new, attend a workshop or course?


Some questions to ask Yourself

What are my top 5 Values?

What Inspires Me?

How does it get any better than this?

What do I want I my life, in the next 5 minutes, 5 Hours, 5 Days, 5 Months, 5 Years?

 To learn how to reconnect with your Self Worth and Love Your Life Again and also receive your FREE Online Course ‘The 2 Steps to Fabulous’ please visit

 Kisses Kim xxx

PS. – I’d love to read your answer to the question above – What Inspires You?

Words of Wisdom From a 15 Year Old Boy

Adarsha is a fifteen year old Indian American out to change the world as the executive director of Project Jatropha.

Tomorrow we’ll seize the day and throttle it! ~ Calvin and Hobbes

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…All of us trip and fall at points in our lives. Some of us stay down, too scared from the pain to get up, or just too unwilling to work to get up. Some of us get up, but we are hesitant to go forward, and just stay where we are.

Some of us get up and move forward, slowly, but never with the pace and confidence that we earlier had in our stride. But there are a few of us who get up, dust ourselves off, and go forward stronger, learning from our mistakes and ready to take on any obstacle.

We fear falling down, and consequently slow our pace or stop completely so that we don’t get hurt. We fear pain, so we shorten our goals so that we can’t hurt ourselves in trying to achieve them.

But, is it worth giving up our dreams to avoid all pain? Is it worth giving up our hopes and goals to avoid something that is inevitable? Should we just lock ourselves away, along with everything we dream of doing? No. We cannot. We should not. We must not let fear dictate our lives.

We must not give up our dreams so easily. Too many of us live for others. Build our lives around what people want us, expect us, to be. Conform, mold, tear apart our true selves, our true ambitions, dreams, and goals, just to appease others. Your life is not somebody’s puppet, but you must take the strings into your own hands.

Do not give weight to other people’s jeers, their insults. Take them in stride, reflect on them, but don’t let them dictate your actions, your choices, your life.

Because in the end, it doesn’t matter what they think of you, what they see you as. Brave. Terror. Cold. Joyful. Heartless. Savior. All that matters is what you choose.

Source – Inspire Me Today


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Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed

I would like to share this story sent to me my my friend Laura

….. For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality.

I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.

It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.

By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.

We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.

It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again. When you are on your deathbed, what  others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.

Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness.

Source –


Kim xxx

How to Manifest the Life Of Your Dreams …. and Why Using Affirmations, Goal Setting and Vision Boards Doesn’t Always Work

Limiting Beliefs

How to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams

You may already be familiar with the Law of Attraction that states: What we focus on, on the inside, we create on the outside, or … We create our reality with our thoughts.

Millions of people are using affirmations, vision boards and goal setting for applying the Law of Attraction to create a desired outcome, for love, success, health or any life goal.  Proper use of these practices can catalyse wonderful positive changes in your life because, when you change your thoughts, you change your life.

But many people have found that they can state affirmations until they are blue in the face – and still have very little money in the bank, love, success and happiness!

I understand your frustration. I’ve been there. As a hypnotherapist, intuitive career coach, EFT practitioner, and life coach, for many years,  I have tried virtually every personal growth technique under the sun for creating positive change. I now know what works and what doesn’t.

What many Law of Attraction experts recommend saying Affirmations and doing Vision Boards … these are excellent mediums and I tell my clients to do these as well ….. , and with affirmations, most people simply think, read or state them, over and over. But the problem is ….  any change you manage to create just does not last: Just trying to force yourself through willpower alone is not very effective, because it will eventually fizzles out. And, if you are just trying to create change this way, it’s a lot of work! This is the very same reason why most dieters gain back all the weight they lost (and then some) within 2 years, why most people cannot quit smoking easily. 

Just setting New Year’s resolutions and affirming at the conscious level is not enough.

You may experience occasional progress, but it’s one step forward, one or two steps back and you keep slipping back into your old pattern again, despite your efforts.

Maybe some of what you are intending, visualizing and affirming is showing up. However, the changes are not showing up quite fast or as completely as you’d like. 

You still wonder: Why is this taking so long? And why do I sometimes attract something, only to lose it again? Sometimes you feel, “I am prosperous. I can attract and receive wealth.” Or “My perfect soul mate is on the way.” But you still find yourself sometimes resonating with and feeling positive about these statements and images and feelings, but most of the time doubting them. 

You affirm and visualize but then slip back and think: “Yeah, right. What about all those bills?” or “I seem to keep attracting the wrong kinds of partners. I’m better off being alone.” 

You are still struggling, trying to make yourself believe it. But it just doesn’t feel real.

For example, one of my clients, Lisa, was struggling with trying to manifest more money yet still kept experiencing fear, lack and struggle. While she was affirming, “I earn $10 000 every month with ease and grace” over and over, part of her still did not believe this was true. Subconsciously she was running several common limiting beliefs about money that will keep her in debt and struggling forever until they are totally released and transformed. Even worse, a deeper part did not even believe she deserved it, so no matter how many affirmations she said, the money did not show up. Her unconscious program was still running: “I’m never going to be wealthy,” and “I always run out of money, there is never enough.”

Then there was Glenys who kept affirming “I am with my Soul mate’ … the problem was, she was running deep limiting beliefs that told her … ‘I am destined to be alone’, ‘Men hurt me’ and “I’m not good enough” … with beliefs like that, Glenys will never find deep, lasting love until she releases these beliefs.


So how can you raise yourself up, so your belief is strong and consistent?

  1. Involve as much of yourself as you can while stating your affirmation. This is done by really engaging your imagination, seeing your desire, hearing it, touching it and focusing on really living it as your 100% truth. Creative visualization is a powerful key. Thus, in addition to simply thinking, reading and saying your positive thoughts, you are involving more of yourself by singing them, dancing them, writing them, creating Vision Boards and so on. You need to see it, hear it, touch it, and really resonate with your affirmation as a total truth.

2. Focus on the feeling of joy your desire brings you. It’s absolutely essential to feel the associated positive emotion because this raises your energetic vibration so you are attuned with your desire and helps attract it to you. Affirming from the energy of abundance and happiness effectively magnetizes your desire to you, whereas if you are feeling frustrated, fearful and impatient, this repels your desire out of neediness and lack. The feelings of Joy and Love magnetically attract your heart’s desire to you.

3.       Be Grateful! Appreciate and Enjoy what is here right now.  Look around you! Your life is BRIMMING WITH BLESSINGS. Give thanks to your Creator. “If the only prayer you ever say is ‘Thank you,’ it will be enough.” – Meister Eckhart.

But here’s the problem, Even if we try to affirm and visualize, even if we try to evoke the good feelings and believe, even if we remember to give thanks, often some part deep within us does not really believe it! Deep down, in our unconscious, there is a program or tape that argues with our positive affirming and visualizing.

The biggest obstacle that people face in getting what they want in life is their failure to define what it is they really want.

The next biggest hurdle to getting what you want is your own fears and doubts.

Having a vision of a wonderful future is absolutely necessary-but it typically stirs up a set of emotional roadblocks. These come at us in the form of fears both of failing and of succeeding, and in doubts about our own worthiness for success.

For example, you may be sitting there saying or writing a dozen times, “I am abundant,” but deep down a part of you blocks you from really feeling, knowing and attracting this as your truth, because that part is thinking, “No, I’m not. Money seems to go right through my hands. I have so much debt and I have piles of bills I can’t pay.” So really, you are not getting anywhere, except frustrated

So even though you are doing everything to ‘Affirm and Believe’ in the abundance, love, happiness and success you know you deserve, you may still get in our own way and SUBCONSCIOUSLY SABOTAGE your efforts.

This is because your consciousness is like an iceberg. We are aware of about 5% of our thoughts, and the other 95% are operating “below the surface.” 

Imagine an Iceberg … If the tip of the iceberg wants to go North, and the huge mass below the water line is heading South, which way do you think that iceberg is going to move? You can try to push that tip as hard as you can, yet until most of that submerged power is moving the way you want it to go, you are going to be stuck or heading the wrong way.

Limiting Beliefs

The fears and doubts cluster around a few kinds of issues. All of them are false conclusions from past experiences that limit our future. And all are hooked to beliefs about ourselves-that we don’t deserve love and success and a wonderful future, that we are not good enough, that we do not have the power to create the solutions to our problems-or beliefs about the nature of the world-that life really requires struggling and even suffering. We fear that we can’t really get what we want, that we will fail at losing weight because it has proved too difficult in the past, or we come from a generation of overweight women, or that we’ll never figure out how to get where we want to go.

We have been taught by society, our parents, our religions, and even by the movies we watch, that life is a struggle, and as long as that is what we believe, that is what we will get.

As Henry Ford said, “Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you are right.”

Often we run these patterns unconsciously and have no idea why we seem to have our own “Sabotage Button” which we stamp on with huge force from a great height just as we start to be successful at something.

 It’s imperative to look at the roadblocks as a friend, If you will follow those feelings to the core belief below the surface, and then change that belief, your whole life can open up. All emotions serve a positive purpose; They exist to help us move forward in life, They are your very best friends, trying to call your attention to the beliefs that are holding you back.

When you are 100% LINED UP inside, your outer reality must reflect this and when it is in alignment wonderful things happen … and it happens so quickly, consistently and often more miraculously and magnificently than you could even ask for or imagine.


So how do you get into this state of absolute knowingness, belief and deserving so you can Unlock the Doors to the Life of Your Dreams?

First, we need to reprogram any negative or limiting beliefs, which may be due to life experiences, particularly from childhood and early adulthood. We need to identify and then replace those negative beliefs with Higher Truths that are our absolute knowingness from our Higher Self.

This is far more powerful than just an affirmation, or even the traditional hypnotic “suggestion.” You are healing the old belief at the level of the subconscious, the root cause, and installing the highest, positive empowerment statement, deeply and completely so it aligns you with success from the inside out.

What are Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are the culprits that hold you back from success, happiness and from your true potential. They are those sneaky thoughts that show up every time you feel inspired or motivated to go after your dreams, and they remind you of the fact that you are not good enough. They’re like the barb-wire fence and solid steel bars that are keeping you in your prison cell.

You know what it’s like, that voice pops into your head and tells you that you’re not going to make it, or you’re not going to succeed. You try to avoid it and go ahead anyway, only to fail. And then you make your limiting belief stronger, because you now believe that you’re not going to succeed.

Limiting Beliefs-

•trick you into not trying.

•blinds you to the realities of the world.

•stops you from taking risks.

•keeps you where you are.

•obstructs your growth.

•keeps you repeating negative patterns.

•prevents you from taking responsibility for your life.

•prevents you from going after your dreams.

•encourages procrastination.

•gives you an excuse for not doing what you really want to do.

•fills you with doubt and fear.

•prompts you to find “evidence” to support it.

•stops you from imagining the possibilities.

•makes you feel negative and discontent.

•prevents breakthroughs.

Here’s the truth: Beliefs are not facts. But they are just as powerful. Regardless of whether or not they are true, beliefs shape reality.


How do we form these beliefs?

Beliefs are primary components and building blocks of reality. They are formed during childhood and at other key times in your life. They can be shaped and influenced by family, peers, society, media, and so forth and there may be a great many you are not even conscious of.

Your beliefs affect your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and actions, and literally shape and dictate your reality at a very fundamental level, and as such become self-fulfilling prophesies, becoming our reality whether we like it or not.

Beliefs also strongly affect your ability to attract or become attracted to people and certain situations. What is important here are the results or outcomes your beliefs create for you.  For example, if you believe it’s difficult to make money, your mind will engage “special filters” so you only see, hear and experience situations where it is difficult to create money.

The mind is this powerful, that your mind will sort for all the evidence to prove the belief right. It is important to know here if you carry the right belief you attract positive outcomes, but carry limiting beliefs and you’ll prove yourself right ever time.

Why is it important to explore your beliefs?

If you change your beliefs, you change your destiny.

To successfully manifest the life you desire it is essential that your beliefs are congruent with the outcomes you seek

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your action become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny.”  

~ Gandhi


Get to the Core of your Limiting Beliefs

You want to identify the most fundamental limiting beliefs you hold around your goal as these are the ones that will be most pivotal in producing change and have the most transformational impact towards in generating the success you seek.

When we release these beliefs, other beliefs surrounding them may lose their grip and become redundant, rather like pulling a weed out at its roots so the whole plant can die rather than just cutting the odd leaf.

How To Recognize Limiting Beliefs

Common Limiting Beliefs

Listen to yourself. What lies are you telling?

–          I don’t have this skill.

–          I’m not good at this.

–          Others can do it better than me.

–          I’m not experienced enough.

–          I’m not smart enough.

–          I’m not important enough.

–          I’m too young.

–          I’m too old.

–          I don’t have the money.

–          I don’t have the time.

–          It’s just not in my genes.

–          It’s too hard.

–          I don’t deserve success/love/ money/happiness/to lose weight.

–          I’m lazy.

–          Nothing ever works out for me.

–          Nobody ever notices the work I do.

–          I never get what I want.

–          This is just “the way it is.”

–          I have no control over this.

–          I have nothing to offer.

–          Money doesn’t grow on trees

–          It is bad to have money

–          Money is the route of all evil

–          It is hard to make money

–          There is never enough money to go around

–          Rich people are greedy

–          Love hurts

–          I don’t deserve love

–          I am unlovable

–          I am never love

Nobody wants me

–          The more I love, the less I am loved

–          I’m not smart enough/qualified/good enough

–          It will take forever

–          I can’t afford it

–          I don’t have the time

–          I don’t have the patience

–          It’s too hard

–          I’ve tried before and it hasn’t worked.



How to Release Limiting Beliefs and Stop Self Sabotage

How to Release Limiting Beliefs and Stop Self Sabotage

The Good News is that these beliefs and fears can easily be identified and permanently cleared just as easily. It is our own choice whether we hang on to these limiting beliefs, or whether we are willing to let go of them and move forward in our lives.

So to uncover your negative beliefs you have to pay attention to your daily thoughts and if some thought is negative, ask yourself why you think in such a negative way. This will uncover your belief.

Try to also remember what your parents used to say to you in the areas that you are struggling with. If, for example, you have difficulties with money, maybe your parents used to say phrases such as Money is hard to earn”, “Money doesn’t grow on trees” or “I cannot afford this

If you find yourself repeating some kind of phrase all the time, you should realise that it’s a belief that you have. If the belief is positive, for example, you keep repeating how lucky you are, you should not touch it because it serves you. However, if you find yourself repeating disempowering or negative statements such as “I am a loser”, you should change such belief.

You should also understand that your every opinion and the way you see the world is so because of your beliefs. If you don’t like something, it means you have some kind of limiting belief about that thing. If you find something depressing, this is so because of your beliefs.

Some of the beliefs are hard to discover because they were formed at a very young age. Some of your beliefs were taken from your parents and they no longer serve you, however they keep filtering your experiences their own way because you fail to notice and eliminate them.

No matter how long you had some belief for, you can always eliminate it because your active beliefs are in your conscious mind. They can be hidden under so looking innocent thoughts (for example, “Look at him in his fancy car” is a hidden belief about money.

You can notice your own negative beliefs when you catch yourself saying things such as:

“Life is …”

“I am a … person”

“Earning money is …”

“I cannot do this because …”

1.  Think of a goal, desire, dream or intention you have.  A change you want to make, something you’d like to be, do or have.  Write it down.

2.  Allow thoughts, emotions, physical reactions to happen.  Notice them. Complete these sentences:

 It won’t be safe to ________ (fill in your goal) because . . .

I can’t ___________ (your goal) because . . .

My dream is impossible because . . .

This won’t happen because . . .

Begin looking for evidence of limiting beliefs in your life.

1.  What are you critical about in others?  This indicates a belief in the form of “People should . . .” or “People shouldn’t . . .” or “It’s wrong to . . .”

2.  Are there things you’d like to be, do or have, but believe you can’t.  Your belief will be something like, “I could never. . .” or “I’m too _____ to . . .” or “It’s not possible for me to _____ because . . .”

3. Write down what you discover.

When identifying limiting beliefs, look for statements that have meaning and significance to you, that elicit an emotional response or have impact in some way.

Take time to examine your thoughts and feelings for they are indicative of beliefs you hold.

What recurring thoughts and feelings do you experience?

What do you keep telling yourself about life, yourself or others in relation to your goal?

 Perhaps you hear yourself thinking or saying the same phrases, comments or statements your parents used to make when you were young. So, what are some of the limiting beliefs you have heard growing up and what do you believe about yourself, money, time, relationships, success? They usually start with “I can’t, I have to, I don’t have, I’m not, I was meant to have etc…

Write it down…Be as open and as brutally honest with yourself, as this will unlock what’s possibly holding you back…

This week, STOP and notice the things you tell yourself.

What are you telling yourself you can’t do in your life, your business, your finances, etc.?

Be courageous and give yourself the gift of TRUTH.

Truth has the ability to heal and FREE us from what holds us back in life. Truth gives us access to choices. Truth gives us access to possibility!

It may take some time to uncover your beliefs, and you may need some help from a coach, (visit for more information on coaching) but the quality of your life depends on it. Spend some time now uncovering and eliminating them and you will improve your life enormously.

Whether you want to believe this or not, we all have the capacity to be extraordinary, to live our passion, to realize our full potential. When you get right down to it, what holds us back are limiting beliefs that run through our minds. These are mental habits repeating in an endless loop, making us believe that we are incapable and that our dreams are impossible to achieve. They trick us into thinking we are less than we actually are.

For many of us stirring up old beliefs that are no longer serving us, stirs up old emotions around things, people and circumstances – that have gone unresolved. It’s bringing our attention to the power of “letting go” – of old ways of thinking and being – and moving on in a very different way than we ever have before.

Whether it’s our money beliefs, old relationship patterns or our feelings around worthiness, it’s time to release any energies, any circumstances, any old ways of being that are not aligned with our life purpose. It’s time to take a closer look at our life’s journey to understand the path that has led us to where we are today – and learning how to build upon that, while releasing what is no longer working.

As a Life Purpose Intuitive, it’s my intention to help you release the limiting beliefs and old stories  that are no longer serving you , so you can connect the dots of your life story in a way that makes sense, in a way that feels right. It’s my intention to help you “Connect with your Divine Purpose. Step into your Life Story and Create a Life of Passion and Abundance.”

We all have a life purpose.. What’s yours?

If you realize you could use help breaking through this barrier, what are you telling yourself about this? Would you say “yes” and take the first step to setting yourself free, or say “I can’t because…”?

If you’re ready to step fully into everything you want for yourself, in any area of life, reach out. Let’s talk. I can assist you with accelerating this breakthrough so it’s a whole lot more fun and rewarding in the process.

My Coaching programs or my Workshop, Get Unstuck and Design Your Life contains some of the most effective exercises I have found to do just that. visit for more information on workshops and coaching xx

Kisses Kim xxx

Release your Limiting Bliefs and Live the Life of Your Dreams

How Will You Spend The 525 000 Minutes You are Given to use in 2012?

Hi Beautiful , I would like to share this post from Inspire Me Today
The quality of the new year will be determined by how we use the more than 525,000 minutes that we’re given each year. Invest them wisely! ~ The New Year


If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

This New Year gives us the gift of more than 525,600 minutes. Many of us say we “don’t have enough time”, but for this next year, as with all other ones, we all get the same amount of time- about 525,600 minutes. What we do with the gift of these minutes determines the quality of our life, the level of our happiness, the value of the memories we create and the difference we can make in the world.

Our lives are determined by how we choose to live our 525,000 minutes each year. Minutes spent stressed or worrying are wasted. Fear not only kills our dreams, it also diminishes our minutes without providing productive results. None of our unused minutes can be saved as “rollover” minutes for the next year. None can be given to others and unused ones will be lost forever. When we look at our minutes from this perspective, it helps us realize the gift we’ve been given.

Therefore, here are some words to remember as you enter into the New Year and start spending your 525,000 minutes.

Spend time with people you love.
Cherish family and friends. When we look back at a year, the things that usually stand out are times spent with loved ones, and the moments of connection with one another.

If you’re not having fun, go do something that IS fun!!!
Spend your time doing what you love and what brings joy into your life.

Let go of the past. Don’t waste a good minute worrying about a bad one. Know that everything is perfect exactly as it is. Trust that there is a reason, even when you can’t see it.

Be positive. Realize you do have a choice, and choose to be positive in your thoughts and your actions.

Take baby steps and don’t give up! Keep moving in the right direction.
Trust yourself and your abilities. Just because something didn’t yet work out as planned, doesn’t mean it won’t work out. There is always a way and you can’t lose unless you give up.

Embrace change. Resisting change is like trying to swim upstream. Instead, embrace it and go with the flow.

Connect with Nature. Watch sunsets. Talk to a tree. Listen to the wind. Taste the sweetness of a fresh apple. Study a leaf. Play with a dog. In all things, find your connection to something bigger than you.

Love life! Do what you love and love what you do. Happiness comes from spending minutes doing things that bring you joy.

Laugh! Relax, be playful and remember, life is meant to be fun!

Expand your world. Learn about other cultures, celebrate our differences and find common ground.

Create a vision. Write down 100 things you want to accomplish this year and share it with someone you love. Create a vision board to keep your dream alive!

Dream BIG! Dream big dreams and trust that you’re on the right path to make them happen. You deserve the very best in life- claim it!

Listen to your inner voice. Many times, wisdom comes to us in silence.

Spread kindness. Connect with one another. Share a smile. Perform random acts of kindness. Choose love. Be love. In all things, love now.

Exercise your mind and your body. We only grow old when we’re stagnant. Move and grow.

Pause. Breathe. Take time for yourself. Know that you matter and remember, you must first fill your own cup before you can give to others.

Pass it on. Give. Share. Give away things you don’t need. Share love and resources with others, remembering that blessing flows more easily through a stream without a dam.

Pay attention to serendipity. Live connected to something greater than yourself. Open unto and into the possibility of life. Live with faith and hope as a part of your life instead of apart from them.

Be grateful. No matter where you are, express gratitude, knowing that what you focus on grows. If you’re going to create more of something, let it be gratitude.

Be conscious of your thoughts. Know that your thoughts hold the power to create tomorrow’s reality. So think good thoughts. Dream big dreams. Celebrate the moments of your life.

Be YOU! You are so very beautiful; so let your light shine. You are an unlimited being with infinite potential. You have no limitations except those that you place on yourself.

Today, in this very moment, you have the chance to start anew. Embrace the moment, be grateful for the opportunities and truly celebrate the moments of your life. A new year filled with more than 525,000 minutes is waiting for you. Invest them well. Make each one of them count, and have a blessed and very Happy New Year!

Love Kim xxx


Steps to Get Unstuck

Savvy Inspired Woman

Get Unstuck

 In the next few minutes, or in the next few hours – some things are going to happen that will impact your future…..

You’ll take action towards fulfilling a dream… Or you won’t.

You’ll have thoughts that make you feel good about yourself and bring peace and joy… Or you won’t.
 You’ll make a choice to push past your comfort zone, take a chance on yourself… Or you won’t.

And tomorrow will be the same as today.

Because even though you WANT to take action….and move into a place where happiness, love and  money flow easily to you…  Chances are you’ll be stopped, blocked, held back by something already inside you.
We all have unconscious blocks that keep us from reaching our potential.
What is it that keeps you doubting your courage?

What is it that keeps you  accepting mediocrity, “good enough” and fine, when everything in your body is screaming for you to do otherwise?

Are you a prisioner of your own making ?

Do you live with fear and doubt and constantly tell yourself that you are ‘not good enough’, do you see only lack and believe success and life fulfilment is for others, but not you ? 
 Darling You Deserve So Much More!

Would you like to open the door to more happiness. Love, success, self worth and abundance ?

The good news is, you have the key to open the door to everything you want in life!

– The first thing to do is free yourself of past issues and experiences that no longer serve you, this is where my Mind Detox Program can help you.
– If you don’t like what you see , it’s time to transform the way you see it.

 – Decide you no longer want to reside in ‘Misery Lane’ … commit to a new Mental Postcode

– Become aware of your sabotaging thoughts. If you aren’t happy with your life, change your thoughts … that alone has the power to change your life.
– Express gratitude for the things (however small) that are working in your life.

 – Focus on what you want.
– Say ‘Yes’ to these experiences.

– Commit to making  simple changes

 – Play the “What If” Game:
For every negative thought or feeling you get, deliberately and consciously flip it around. For example:  Go from “What if I fail?” to “What if I am successful” or  from “What if I don’t do it right?” to “What if doing right doesn’t matter? Than what?” or from “What if I go on a date and it doesn’t work out” to “What if tonight I meet the Man of My Dreams” or ‘What is it doesn’t work out … so what … I am one man closer to finding my soul mate”  Get the picture? Try it! This is a very powerful exercise!! 
If you need help ‘getting unstuck’ and wish to step into your fabulous new future, you may be interested in Two New  Programs at Savvy Inspired Women

The Mind Detox – Are you feeling ‘stuck’? Do you feel like your life is going around in cirlcles ? Are you held back from achieving what you want in life by feelings of doubt, worry, self sabotage, unworthiness and negative self talk? 
What if there was something you could do today that would start to change the quality of your life? What if this changed the direction of your life in ways you couldn’t imagine possible? The Mind Detox will show you how to transform your self limiting beliefs and become empowered to create greater joy, fulfillment, connection and abundance into your life, so you can finally live the life you desire and deserve?


Discover Your Life Purpose – Vision Dreaming – The Roadmap to Your Fabulous Future –

Vision Dreaming is more than just a goal setting process, it is a powerful and inspiring workshop for manifesting, in which you become the artist of your own life. You will take hold of the paintbrush of possibility and paint an inspiring new vision of happiness, love, fulfilling relationships, joy, passion, purpose and abundance.


Kim xxx

Heart Speak with Spirited Womens Network

Heart Speak with Spirited Womens Network

Hi everyone

Natalie from Spirited Women’s Network , is hosting a Teleseminar on Heart Speak and I happen to be one of the Guest Speakers. The details are below … please visit the link below to register for the call.

Teleseminar – Heart Speak – Wednesday nights at 8.00pm Brisbane Time.

 Ever wanted to know how to speak from your heart more effectively? This four week teleseminar series explores the concept of using heart speak with partners, children, yourself and in business.

 The first teleseminar on Wednesday 2nd February is with Kim Gillespie of Savvy Inspired Women as she talks about heart speak to ourselves.

 The way we speak to ourselves can have a dramatic impact on all areas of our lives. How honest we are about our feelings, how kindly we associate with ourselves, how we support ourselves through self-talk all have a direct influence on the world we create. Kim helps women to learn to love themselves and when you learn ” how to love and adore the woman in the mirror, life becomes a magnificent adventure, you radiate confidence, feel vibrant and ooze juicy femininity, your relationships improve, you feel happier.”

 To participate you can either –


 You can listen to the recording for 48hrs after the event at this link also.

 PHONE IN – Phone 0011 1 617 449 7724. Conference ID 916494#. An international phone card (from the newsagents) will allow you to call in for around $2.00 an hour.

 I hope you will join us on this call.

Warm regards,

 Natalie and Kim xxx

Ps. If you would like to be able to listen to the other guest speakers you will need to enter your details in the subscriber box on the website

Pleasure In Life

Be Grateful

Hello everyone … well I have been a little slow with my blog posts over the last few weeks.

We had terrible floods here in Brisbane, where I live and while I was not affected, I have been busy helping out.

I subscribe to a daily horoscope and todays one, was reminding me to look for ‘simple pleasures’

We all should take time to look for the simple pleasures in our lives every day … and be grateful xxx

January 24, 2011
Pleasure In Life
Gemini Daily Horoscope
A desire for pleasure can act as the foundation of your impulses today. Since you are likely actively seeking out gratification, you may be surprised to discover that you do not have to look far to find it. You may feel compelled to indulge your senses with beauty, laughter, and romance, yet you may also find delight in life’s simplest joys. Even as you endeavor to address your obligations as quickly as possible, you can enjoy the pride of a job well done. Likewise, you can discern the visceral pleasures of plain foods today and may be less inclined to seek out heavy, overindulgent meals. The simpler your chosen indulgences, the easier it can be to integrate them into your life healthfully.

Our lives become immeasurably more satisfying when we learn to revel in the pleasures of simply being alive. While many of us are taught from an early age that happiness must always take root in some joyful or exciting happening, there is much we can celebrate in the mundane details of our everyday lives. As we identify these moments worthy of celebration and revel in them, we discover that there are few joys that rival those that can be found all around us. Our willingness to seek out delight in everyday life enables us to identify sources of elation we might otherwise have missed, blinded as we were by the notion that happiness has but a few foundations. You will discover new worlds of enjoyment today when you commit to hunt for hidden pleasures in your daily existence.

I am grateful for ….

– A warm bed to sleep in tonight

– A lovely weekend spent with 2 of my lovely daughters and my wonderful Mum

– Indulging in a fluffy decadent bubble bath tonight

– Taking time to appreciate the beautiful blue sky over Brisbane today

– Music – I love Katy Perry’s new CD …. and that subject is another blog post