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Archive for the ‘30 Day challenge’ Category

Pleasure In Life

Be Grateful

Hello everyone … well I have been a little slow with my blog posts over the last few weeks.

We had terrible floods here in Brisbane, where I live and while I was not affected, I have been busy helping out.

I subscribe to a daily horoscope and todays one, was reminding me to look for ‘simple pleasures’

We all should take time to look for the simple pleasures in our lives every day … and be grateful xxx

January 24, 2011
Pleasure In Life
Gemini Daily Horoscope
A desire for pleasure can act as the foundation of your impulses today. Since you are likely actively seeking out gratification, you may be surprised to discover that you do not have to look far to find it. You may feel compelled to indulge your senses with beauty, laughter, and romance, yet you may also find delight in life’s simplest joys. Even as you endeavor to address your obligations as quickly as possible, you can enjoy the pride of a job well done. Likewise, you can discern the visceral pleasures of plain foods today and may be less inclined to seek out heavy, overindulgent meals. The simpler your chosen indulgences, the easier it can be to integrate them into your life healthfully.

Our lives become immeasurably more satisfying when we learn to revel in the pleasures of simply being alive. While many of us are taught from an early age that happiness must always take root in some joyful or exciting happening, there is much we can celebrate in the mundane details of our everyday lives. As we identify these moments worthy of celebration and revel in them, we discover that there are few joys that rival those that can be found all around us. Our willingness to seek out delight in everyday life enables us to identify sources of elation we might otherwise have missed, blinded as we were by the notion that happiness has but a few foundations. You will discover new worlds of enjoyment today when you commit to hunt for hidden pleasures in your daily existence.

I am grateful for ….

– A warm bed to sleep in tonight

– A lovely weekend spent with 2 of my lovely daughters and my wonderful Mum

– Indulging in a fluffy decadent bubble bath tonight

– Taking time to appreciate the beautiful blue sky over Brisbane today

– Music – I love Katy Perry’s new CD …. and that subject is another blog post

Connecting to The Divine Feminine – 30 Day Blog Challenge

Connect to your Divine Feminine Power

In my Workshop ‘The Goddess Retreat’ (and soon to be online course) I teach Women How to Have It All … By Connecting to their Divine Feminine Power.

But Why Tap into Your Feminine Power?

Most self-development programs are written by men … and tap into the ‘Masculine Model’ of Self Development 


… this is too aggressive and is not congruent with a Woman’s DNA  or her cellular memory – it is not in harmony with the feminine . 

… so when Women try to adopt this male way of thinking and goal setting … it creates inconsistency in attraction of prosperity, fatigue, hopelessness, lack of self-confidence, self criticism and low self-esteem.

This is why women who go to self-development seminars taught by men (not that I have anything against men xxx ), often leave feeling pumped up …. but soon crash and lose confidence  … they are being pumped up on adrenaline (this technique works well for Men) … which is inconsistent with their DNA or cellular memory and their Inner Feminine.

 The Goddess Retreat is different … this program was created by a Woman for Women … it allows Women to tap into their Divine Feminine Power, and by adopting this more natural female model it opens the floodgates to harmony, creativity, empowerment and abundance. 

Embrace your Feminine Power

It is no secret that women have a critical role to play in shaping the future. We women carry the feminine energy of the world. It is our task to honour the feminine energy inside us and insist it be honoured by others.

The Dalai Lama’s proclamation last year that “the world will be saved by the Western Woman” has seen women emerging as the leaders of the global change movement.

It takes a toll on a woman when she  operates out of her masculine energy all the time.

While women are clearly making great strides in the business world, there is a sense of disconnect and lack of satisfaction going on for many women. In other words, even though they may have a huge track record of accomplishments, they don’t necessarily feel good inside.

We all move in and out of states of masculine and feminine energy but, in most cases, it’s more natural for a man to act from his masculine core and a woman from her feminine.

Learning to understand and how to feel and develop feminine energy is the basic thing that will allow you to attract and create all the love, happiness and prosperity you have ever wanted.

 …. And like a pebble tossed in the water … it will ripple across to many others across the world.

Many women have attempted to adopt this masculine model to get on in the business world. They attempt to use a left brain analytical approach, but when a woman attempts to express herself using the masculine model , she feels stress and exhaustion, which manifests in illness, depression, abdominal fat,  loss of focus, low confidence and low or no sex dive. It wears her out and burns her out on all levels.

Women who follow this pattern, soon find the emergence of the Inner Bitch, because she’s going against her nature, her inner wisdom, so she becomes frustrated, stressed out, critical and judgemental because she is confused biochemically.

Tapping into your Feminine energy is not about wearing pretty pink dresses and giggling (although you can if you want ) it is about healing our wounds and giving ourselves compassion so we can create things such as love, intimacy, spiritual connection, self-expression, creativity and intuition in ourselves.

It is about giving birth to a new way of thinking.

Over the course of the one day ‘Goddess Retreat’ you will learn many different exercises that will help you tap into the power of your Divine Feminine.


The ‘Goddess Retreat’ will show you how to  create a Fabulous, Happy, Abundant Life, 
discover the Fabulicious, Babelicious, Luscious Goddess within and get your ‘Sexy Back’ by connecting with your Divine Feminine Power.

The next Goddess Retreat is on Sunday the 16th January … please visit to find out more

Today I am Grateful for …

I am safe and dry in my beautiful apartment

Amazing Energy

That I live my life with a smile on my face

My beautiful Mum and Stepfather … who I visited on the Sunshine Coast on Sunday

My amazing body … it keeps working without me having to remind it to !

I’d love to read your comments about the Divine Feminine … and your grateful list


Kim xxx  

Are You able to Receive

Giving and Receiving

I am one of those people who gives to others freely and that is a wonderful thing to be able to do …. but have never been good at receiving.

I was always giving to others …. my partner, my children , my job, my parents, my friends  ….. but soon becone angry, bitter and resentful about ‘always giving’  …. no-one ever gave to me …. Can you relate to this ?

What I discovered , was that people were giving to me all the time …. but I didn’t know how to receive !

I was brought up to be very independent … to do it all myself and not to rely on others …. but this belief was not serving me.

I  needed to learn how to receive from others.

Learning how to receive actually comes down to our self worth … maybe we don’t feel worthy or deserving of receiving ….

You are Worthy of Receiving

You are Good Enough

From Today Practice Receiving …

Recieve your own self love … give yourself a hig, and say ‘I love you’

Give yourself the gift of time … time to have a nap, time to have a bubblebath, time to spend with girlfriends

The next time someone compliments you …. just say ‘thankyou’ … don’t start making some excuse … eg. if your best friend complimented you on a dress you are wearing … don’t say … ‘Oh This old thing, or I got it on sale’ …. don’t make excuses …Just Receive the Compliment and say THANKYOU

Allow yourself to receive Gifts from others with arms, minds and hearts open and simply say thank you. Accepting a person’s gift is a gift in itself.

If someone offers to help … don’t say “it’s ok , I’ll manage” …. just say “thankyou, that would be wonderful”

Today I am Grateful For …

All of my new Newsletter Subscribers

Watching the huge Cruise ship that is berthed right in my front yard (TRUE!!!, I live next to the river)

My delicious, sensual body ….. I hope you are grateful for yours as well

A  yummy Mango and Spinach Smoothie for breakfast (YUMMY)

Time to sit down and paint my nails in a divine colour

I would love you to leave a comment about your journey with being able to receive.

Let’s be Friends on Facebook  – click this link!/pages/Savvy-Inspired-Women/137107126303161



30 Day Gratitude Challenge – What Happened to Your Dreams?

Follow Your Dreams

What happened to your dreams?

It is time to get selfish , and think about what you want and why.

I want you to start thinking about the life you would have if you could.

When a woman ignores her wants they dry up and disappear.

Our precious dreams are what produce the excitement and inspiration
in our lives

Do you think you are too old, too poor, or perhaps you think it is just too late to make your dreams come true ? Do you think you are too busy with your family to bother about what you want?

When we disregard our dreams , we are disregarding part of ourselves, giving up on a part of ourselves.

Well I am here to tell you that is never too late to chase your dream.

Life is full of late bloomers. Success and fulfilment are not reserved for people in their 20’s and 30’s … it is waiting for anyone who is willing to get out there and grab life.

When a woman is happy and fulfilled, those around her share the rewards.

You only have one life, and if you currently dislike where you are, you owe it to yourself to change things and cram it with as much fun, happiness as you can.

It is not selfish to put your desires ahead of your partner or children,
but it is, if you put your needs second …… and then make everyone feel bad about what is happening to you.

Chasing your dreams and desires is dependant on your feelings of self worth.
Low self esteem may affect your career choice, your relationship and your goals.

It is so much easier to ‘play it safe’ in all areas of life.

Playing it safe has it’s benefits
 … that is, you always feel safe
… but is kills your desires and you will never get what you really want out of life.

There is nothing more appealing than a woman who pursues her passions. It could be anything from cooking to dancing to reading or travel – anything that helps you tap into the joys you feel life has to offer you.

Instead of asking yourself, ‘what will happen if I change?’ and become overcome by fear of imagined negative outcomes, try asking, ‘what will happen if I don’t change ?’

Passionate people are contagious, so infect the world with your charm ! If you would like to learn more about how to Live the Life of Yuor Dreams by harnessing your Feminine Power please click this link –

It’s been a difficult day …. Today I am Grateful for –

Getting through the day

A nice chat with my neighbour in the lift tonight ( I live in a high rise apartment)

Listening to a great teleseminar tonight

A glass of wine with dinner

Standing on my balcony tonight and splashing my feet in the puddles – so cool

I’d really love you to leave a comment


Kim xxx

30 Day Gratitude Challenge – Do You Play the Victim


You are a magnificent creator


The Benefits of Being the Victim

Have you ever ‘played the victim’?

For many years, especially after my divorce, I ‘played the victim’ …  I played the ‘pity me’ game …. and told myself  the poor Kim story  …

The problem was that it kept me in a dark place , life was not fun anymore !

I decided that I did not want to live like this anymore so I asked myself some questions ….

Was this way of living serving me?

What do I want?

What would make my heart sing? 

I have since changed my story from the inside out !

My past is what it is …. my present is what it is …. but my future is what I choose to make it !!

I am the captain of my ship

I set the sails and I plan the journey

My past does not predict my future

because I am willing to do what it takes

to create a better life

I am stronger than I have ever given myself credit for

I am a powerful creator in my life …… 


I just wanted to share an article written by Reverend Dr. Lorraine Cohen on being the victim.

Circumstance to the Hero of Your Life Story

 By Reverend Dr. Lorraine Cohen
Founder of Powerfull Living

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Life happens while you’re busy making other plans?” How often do you set your sights on a specific objective and goal, only to have your best intentions go awry? Things don’t always go the way you planned or hoped.

When things seem to hit bumps or create undesirable experiences, how do you respond? Do you roll up your sleeves and focus on how to best dance with the situation to learn and grow? Or do you begin a downward spiral into your victim—feeling fear, overwhelm, a sense of defeat or depression?

I’ve always considered myself to be an optimistic, upbeat person. And yet, when life throws me an unexpected curve, my initial response can dip into the negative pretty fast—especially when it requires me to do things I have never done before. I hear my small inner child cry, “I can’t do it! It’s too hard. I don’t know how. I don’t want to. What if I fail?” I can feel myself shifting into feeling like a victim in seconds.

Breathing, getting present, re-centering, and using my healing tools help me to shift my energies and focus so I can feel my courage and power return.

We all have the capacity to shrink from our courage and power when we forget who we are. Our minds race in with worst-case scenarios and “what ifs” as our imaginations run wild. Our egos create elaborate stories and dramas that cause us to feel at risk and frightened. We believe what we imagine as if it were real and certain. We collect evidence from the past as proof that life is unfair, unsafe, and painful. We expect the worst rather than expecting the best.

When we are in the throes of panic and dread, it can feel like you’re on a runaway train or drowning as you struggle to “get rid of the thoughts and feelings.” The key is moving through the experience rather than trying to avoid the pain and discomfort or taking up residence and making that situation the story of your life!

Every life experience offers a healing, a growth opportunity. What you resist, persists.

Life is a journey of courage. Each day brings new experiences that create opportunities to say YES to who we are meant to be.

No matter what is happening, one power you always retain is how you choose to show up to life. Your attitude is entirely up to you. In every moment, you choose your attitude. If you think you don’t, that’s where your victim steps in.

What makes identifying with a victim so compelling?

Some of the benefits of being a victim:

  • Feeling owed or entitled to something
  • No personal accountability, responsibility, or expectations
  • The right to blame, complain, judge, and criticize
  •  “Poor me” gains support, pity, and sympathy
  • Don’t have to show up
  • Use of excuses, rationalizations, and reasons to avoid life situations
  • Deny your potential to play small and hide out from life experiences
  • Illusion of safety from hurt and upset

The irony is that staying in our victim causes us to experience a life full of pain and constriction. It’s a way many people become spectators of life rather than active participants and deliberate creators. Desiring more and feeling imprisoned by old fears, beliefs, and habits that keep us stuck in the past while we long for a brighter future.

During the course of our life, we take on many roles and identities that become part of who we believe ourselves to be. We might view certain parts of ourselves with disdain and others with positive appreciation. Each part has served us in ways to help us thrive or survive. To be whole, we must embrace all parts of ourselves with love and compassion, inviting the best of who we are to emerge and integrate as we awaken and evolve.

Lorraine CohenCreatively inspiring and innovative, Reverend Dr. Lorraine Cohen is recognized as a cutting edge expert in the fields of personal growth, spiritual evolution, and conscious entrepreneurship. Founder of Powerfull Living, she is a gifted spiritual life coach and advisor, published writer, speaker, and popular radio broadcaster.

For more than 20 years, Lorraine has coached thousands of spiritually-aware business owners to overcome the limitations of their mind to live happy and abundant lives that align with their spirit. An expert in Transforming Fear into Power and removing barriers to success, she helps people shift from being a victim of their circumstances to being the hero to their own life story.


Today I am grateful for …

I am grateful that I am a powerful creator in my life

I am grateful that I am having my 2 lovely girls  — Cassandra and Samantha and Sam’s boyfriend Nathan sleep over tonight

I am grateful for a great nights sleep last night

I am grateful for my inner strength, that has got me to where I am today

I am grateful for a beautiful cool shower this morning

You are a powerful creator in your own life …

So start changing the story you tell about yourself … and your life will start to change !

Do you realize that?

Make your life special!

Make it Fabulous!

Please leave a comment.


Kim xxx

If you need help to get out of the ‘victim’ mode, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) may be able to help, please visit my website to learn more about EFT

While there why not sign up for my FREE Course ‘The 6 Steps to Fabulous’

Gratitude Challenge Day 4 – Dream BIG

Dream Big


We live in a society where over 50% of visits to the GP are due to depression or anxiety, it’s obvious the majority of us are not getting it right.

Many of us hold onto these things that aren’t working well, and avoid change, because, we are in our comfort zone.
When we fight the ‘flow of life’ we can become unhappy, depressed and anxious.

Look around you…… This is your life, right now.

What are you doing? Are you happy? Are you healthy? Do you feel energised by your life? Do you bound out of bed each day eager to get going? Do you come home feeling satisfied by the rewarding day, keen now to enjoy some play time with your children? Do you look forward to an intimate evening with your partner? Are you as excited and interested in hearing about their day as when you first met?

What about the time you give to you? Do you listen to your body‘s messages for rest, nourishment, skin care, exercise? Do you include quiet time for yourself in each day?

Or does it feel like your life is out of your control? Does it seem that what you want to do is dominated by work, caring duties, parenting, study, commitments?

What happened to your dreams?

It is time to get selfish , and think about what you want and why.

I want you to start thinking about the life you would have if you could.

When a woman ignores her dreams they dry up and disappear.

Our precious dreams are what produce the excitement and inspiration  in our lives

Do you think you are too old, too poor, or perhaps you think it is just too late to make your dreams come true ? Do you think you are too busy with your family to bother about what you want?

When we disregard our dreams , we are disregarding part of ourselves, giving up on a part of ourselves.

Well I am here to tell you that is never too late to chase your dream.

Life is full of late bloomers. Success and fulfilment are not reserved for people in their 20’s and 30’s … it is waiting for anyone who is willing to get out there and grab life.

When a woman is happy and fulfilled, those around her share the rewards.
You only have one life, and if you currently dislike where you are, you owe it to yourself to change things and cram it with as much fun, happiness as you can.

It is not selfish to put your desires ahead of your partner or children,  but it is, if you put your needs second …… and then make everyone feel bad about what is happening to you.

Chasing your dreams and desires is dependant on your feelings of self worth.  Low self esteem may affect your career choice, your relationship and your goals.

It is so much easier to ‘play it safe’ in all areas of life.

Playing it safe has it’s benefits
 … that is, you always feel safe
… but is kills your desires and you will never get what you really want out of life.

There is nothing more appealing than a woman who pursues her passions. It could be anything from cooking to dancing to reading or travel – anything that helps you tap into the joys you feel life has to offer you.

Instead of asking yourself, ‘what will happen if I change?’ and become overcome by fear of imagined negative outcomes, try asking, ‘what will happen if I don’t change ?’

Passionate people are contagious, so infect the world with your charm !

Today I am Grateful for …

I am grateful for Airconditioning at 7am in the morning

I am grateful for a lovely dinner with a friend last night

I am grateful for my beautiful daughter Emily who will be back living with me again soon

I am grateful for my dreams , passion and vision for the future

I am grateful for YOU !

Don’t look back ….

Your future’s right in front of you

Face the future

Play along

The Best Is Yet To Come

I’d love you to tell me what you are grateful for, please leave your comments xxxx


Kim xxxx

To receive your FREE Mini Course … ‘The 6 Steps to Fabulous please visit

30 Day Gratitude Challenge Day 3

Be Grateful, Dance, Be Happy, You are Fabulous

” Love follows you. Absolutely everything you experience in your life is a result of what you have given out in your thoughts and feelings, whether you realize you have given them out or not. Life is not happening to you … life is following you. Your destiny is in your hands. whatever you think, whatever you feel, will decide your life.’ Rhonda Byrne

I wanted to share this clip by Depak Chopra on Gratitude

Remember to feel good about the successes of others, when you feel good and are grateful about anything another person has, you are bringing it to you. when you feel good about someone elses success , happiness or the love they have in their lives, you are in essence choosing from the catalogue of life. Say YES , this is for me also!

Today I am grateful for ….

My friend Roslyn’s loving husband

My amazing Mum, who is always there for me

A great workout at the gym today

The beautiful sunshine that was streaming onto me while I was in the pool this mornong

A lovely cup of tea, made in a pot and served in a special china cup

This is a BIG one for me  … that my Ex-Husband has a lovely new Fiancee and that they are both Happy xxx

I’d love you to leave you comments … just click the ‘leave a comment’ box at the top of  this post

Tell me what you are grateful for?

Dream Big My Goddess …. you are meant to have an amazing life !!

Be sure to connect with me on Facebook!/pages/Savvy-Inspired-Women/137107126303161

Upcoming Workshops at Savvy Inspired Women for January

Clearing the Blocks to Abundance – The Wealth Blueprint

Soulmate Attraction – Manifest your Soulmate

Goddess Retreat – Get Your Confidence and Sexy Back

Visit for more information, and to receive your FREE Online Mini Course – ‘The 6 Steps to Fabulous’

30 Day Gratitude Challenge Day 2 – Your Goals for 2011


What the Catterpillar sees as the end of the world, the Master sees as a New Beginning' Richard Bach

So how did you go ?

Thankyou to Krishna and Roslyn who posted their  5 Daily Gratitude  Blessings here … did you at least write them in your Journal ?

I really urge you to play along … this simple act can really change your life !

Click the Add a Comment button at the top of the page and add your Gratitude Blessing for today (you don’t even have to sign up to my blog to do so)

Today I am Grateful for …

I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine

I am grateful for being able to stand next to the river today and watch it rushing past me (floodwaters)

I am grateful for knowing that my gorgeous Daughters (and one Boyfriend) are all ok up in North Qld

I am grateful for my lovely neighbour, who I enjoyed a coffee with

I am grateful for all the wonderful syncronicities that have happened in my life today

I am grateful for the beautiful elderly lady I was talking to in Coles this afternoon

So what are you grateful for … as you can see it doesn’t have to be anything huge … 

Maybe you are grateful that the day is over!

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more”. Oprah Winfrey 

Today I want to share a page from my website on how to set goals. Some of you have already read this and hopefully used it to set your goals for 2011. If  not, take some time out this weekendd to think about what you want to achieve in 2011.

A New Year … A New You

The end of the old year and the start of the New Year is a wonderful time of year, to pause and reflect on who you are, who you want to be, discover what’s really important to you and what you want to achieve over the next year?

The period before the New Year can also be a great time for letting go of what doesn’t serve you (mentally, emotionally, and physically …. be it habits, beliefs, attitudes, people, circumstances, etc.).

Studies show that those who actually write down their goals have a much greater chance of making them happen, even if they never look at their list for the rest of the year.

Have you written your New Year’s resolutions yet?

When January 1st arrives, everyone has big dreams and ideas but they always seem to die out by the first week of February.

Let’s leave that behaviour behind in 2010 and raise the bar for 2011!

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. So why not begin designing the life you REALLY want – right here, right now!

Are you are ready to embrace 2011 with a vengeance?

So Where Do You Start?

Here is a powerful exercise to let you ready yourself to move forward into the New Year

1.Spend the last few hours of 2010, reflecting on what was.

Ask yourself, how did 2010 measure up for you?

Did you set your goals and watch them materialize?

Did you have a few obstacles get in your path?

What were some of your challenges and successes?
Make sure you celebrate your past success. So make a list of all of the wins, successes, joys, delights and breakthroughs that have happened to you in 2010.

Make a list of all of your disappointments, failures and losses.

Identify the ones you are willing to let go of and write them down on a piece of paper. 

State to yourself, “I now release all old energy back to the Universe and make way for all new possibilities coming my way. And so it is.” 

Take your paper and release the energy back into the Universe by burning it, burying it, or tearing into tiny bits and throwing it away.

2. Now it is time to Celebrate Your Success

I mean everything, the little stuff DOES count. It’s time to validate and take ownership of all that you have accomplished.

What have you learned about yourself and your life?

What insights have you gained?

What are you grateful for? This list might include some of the above, and/or anything else you truly appreciate about yourself, the people, the things or activities that are in your life.

There is a basic principle that whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will increase in your life.

So get a piece of paper and write down 50 things you accomplished last year.

Next, give yourself a pat on the back ! What would be a fun, special, personal thing to do for yourself in celebration of last year’s accomplishments?

How will you honour yourself? You deserve it!

Buy yourself a nice cup of coffee, sit in a bubble bath or call up a friend or associate and tell them what you accomplished. Let yourself feel good about what you accomplished – you did well!

 2011 is full of possibilites … to read the full article on how to Set your Goals for 2011 click this link or paste it into your browser.


Well my Darling Goddess , see you tomorrow.


Kim xxxx


30 Day Challenge

Ok all of you Savvy Inspired Women 
Do You Want to Create a Fabulous life?

Do you want to experience more joy, Happiness, Love, Laughter?

Do you want to Learn how to love and adore the wonderful woman you are?

Do you want to create amazing relationships ?

Do you want to feel sexy again? 
Are you prepared to commit 5 minutes a day to this?
Will you rise to my 30 Day Challenge?
One of my New Years Resolutions for 2011 was to create more Happiness, Joy, love, Laughter and Abundance in my life , by living every day in Gratitude … and I also want to do the same for thousands of men and women throughout the world!

This is such a simple yet powerful process that can literally change your life in days !

So do you want to join me ?

Every day I will be writing a new article for my blog on ways you can be more grateful , how to love your body, how to feel sexy again and how to design a fabulous life. I will also be using my blog to journal 5 things I am grateful for every day …. and I would like YOU to commit to joining me !
I guarantee, this will change your life !
So you will need to buy a lovely journal, if you don’t already have one (or buy an exercise book and decorate it with pictures and drawings that inspire you).
I want you to write 5 things every day that you are grateful for in your journal …. and also here on my blog in the comments section ( see add a comment at the top of the page)
 I’d also love you to leave a comment on my facebook page …..!/pages/Savvy-Inspired-Women/137107126303161

Please don’t be shy …. join my community of Savvy Inspired Women and be inspired and inspire . What you write could make a difference in your life and the lives of other women.
We can be powerful creators of love, happiness, abundance and joy in our lives and the lives of others, just by taking 5 minutes a day to be Grateful for all the wonderfull blessings in our lives.
The more you are grateful for, the more you will be given.
Today I am grateful for ….
I am grateful for the love of my Friends and Family
I am grateful that today is the 1st of January 2011, time for a New Year and a New Me
I am grateful that I am able to reach beautiful Women (and Men) like you through this blog
I am grateful for the feel of the cool puddles of rainwater under my barefeet, tonight when I went outside
I am grateful for the small bowl of homemade Tim Tam icecream I just had (and it was Yummy)
So my darling women, please add your gratitude list to the comments section today.
I love you all.
Kim xxx
For your FREE E Course ‘The 6 Steps to Fabulous’ , please visit
 Please write down 5 things you are grateful for in the comments section now …. and please share this with your friends … lets make a difference … one blessing of Gratitude at a time.

Be Grateful