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I Just read this great blog post by Steph from Trading Pounds

The 10 Biggest Lies We Believe as Truth and How to Break Free of Them

These lies held power over my life for far too long. Every thought, decision and action controlled by them. It wasn’t until I started working with a personal coach, that I was able to see them for what they are and realize their power was mine to reclaim. I had given it freely to them, and I was free to take it back at any time.

But that meant changing my life and it is a part of our natural human condition to fear change. But I’ve learned that the choice to change, to stop believing in the things that don’t serve our best life, is where true power lies . . . weight losing, dream chasing power . . . The kind that gets you where you want to be.

Lie #1 :: I Don’t Have Time
You are given the same 24 glorious hours every day as the rest of us. The real issue isn’t a lack of time, it is a lack of willingness to create what that time will be used for in your life. Even when you sacrifice 19 hours of those days to sleep, employment, meals and commuting, that leaves 5 hours open for creating something great. How many more of those hours are you going to give so frivolously to emails, cat videos on YouTube and boring television shows?
Lie #2 :: I Don’t Want To
You know that feeling when your entire body is physically in protest of doing something? When you get completely and emotionally upset over a thought, choice or idea? When you physically and emotionally respond to a choice, that’s your lizard brain fighting extra hard to keep you standing perfectly still (the physical response) because this is exactly the direction in which you should move and your heart knows it (the emotional response).

To read more of the Lies we tell ourselves, just click this link    (I resonated with Lie No 9!)


Kim xxx

Comments on: "The 10 Biggest Lies We Believe as Truth" (1)

  1. Great article.
    We all lie to ourselves and to others. Guess that is part of life 😉

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