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The Goddess Guide to Life

“She dances to the sound of the ocean, her partner is the wind. They sky and the sun watch in joy as she dances and laughs. Each breath is a new beginning for her to love more. Sharing her joy and love with all life is The Color of a Woman’s Heart” ~ Casey Leasure

Hi Beautiful, here are some tips to help you Unleash Your Inner Goddess and Love Your Life

1. Watch your thoughts – Be careful what you think, our thoughts create our reality. When we have thoughts of misery, poverty, lack, despair, loneliness, fear and anger, we attract the people and situations that will bring more of that to us. Your life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow, it all depends on the thoughts you practice.

Everything we do in life whether positive or negative has a payoff.

What payoff do you get for being sad and unhappy?

What payoff do you get out of not having enough money?

What payoff do you get from feeling stressed and overwhelmed?

What payoff do you get from being unfit?

What is the upside to staying where you are?

2. Let go of your old stories Every time you tell your ‘victim’ story, you recondition your subconscious mind and instruct it to re-record that same old story. What would you prefer? To grumble each day about how miserable your life is and live that as a self-fulfilling prophecy, Or to believe life is wonderful and each day holds new and exciting adventures for you? When we complain, judge or blame anyone else we are really blocking off the things we really want in our lives by preventing the good flowing in. when we focus on what we don’t want, especially with disempowering emotions such as fear, anger and worry, we get even more of what we don’t want. How would you like to feel instead? When you allow your mind to shape your destiny, wonderful things start to happen. If you need help letting go of your old stories and beliefs, coaching may help, just visit my website for more information.


3. Let go of what is draining you – old beliefs and stories, clutter (emotional, spiritual and physical clutter), people?


4.Create a new truth, our truths are not set in stone, they are fluid and dynamic. What is your new truth?


5.Meditation – when we take time to relax and really listen to and connect with what is really going on in our heart, we will find peace. Some people call the voice intuition, a gut feeling, Spirit, Angels, God or Goddess. Most women, due to their hectic lives have forgotten how to listen to it and have become disconnected from their Inner Goddess. A great way to reconnect with your Inner Goddess is to quiet your mind and go inward during meditation. Start with as little as 5 minutes morning and night.

6.Live Your Purpose – Sometimes when we are off track, life gives us a shove, and it’s normally something we don’t like. Maybe you find your job boring and suddenly you’ve been made redundant. Or maybe you say, my partner drives me crazy, and the next thing he is flirting with someone else. Have you ever said, I’m exhausted, but I don’t have time for a holiday, and find yourself laid up in bed for a week with the flu?

Often we fail to head the warnings in the early stages, we wait until things become desperate before we are willing to do something about them. Life whispers at first to us, and when we fail to listen, it gets louder and louder, but if we fail to notice then sometimes it gives us a nasty wake up call. This may be a job loss, the death of a loved one, an illness or accident or the end of a relationship. It will do this to make us wake up enough to realize what we are doing is not working and that we have to change the way we are thinking, behaving or living.

Are you doing what makes your heart sing?

Are you with people who love you and you love?

Are you doing what you came here to do?

What is the difference you are on this earth to make?

What will you be remembered for?

What is your legacy?

When you align yourself with your true purpose, life becomes effortless. When we are doing what inspires us and uses our unique gifts and talents, we will feel fulfilled. Life will support your every move and you will attract the right people to you. If you need some guidance to living your purpose, I offer a 60 minute life purpose numerology coaching session, just go to my website to find out more


7. Ask powerful questions –

What can I do differently?

How can things be even better than this?

What inspires me?

What brings me joy?

What makes me feel beautiful?


8. Create a new vision for your life. Write out what you want in your life as if it is happening now. Write out the next 5, 10, 20, 50 years. Be big and bold, dream big gorgeous one.

– The first step to manifesting your desires is to first identify what it is that you want

– Visualize what you really want – see it, smell it, taste it and hear it as if it has already been accomplished.

– Attach a desire to it and fall in love with your desires

– Believe that it will happen

– Let go of the outcome

– Be grateful for its accomplishment, even though it has not yet manifested

– Set an intention

– Read your vision aloud every night just before you go to sleep

– Take inspired action

– Be open to receive

– Watch your dreams and desires unfold


9. Look for Bliss in every moment – look for the things to appreciate. Ignore anything that does not please you, don’t pay attention to it, just look for the things that feel good. Practice feeling good and gratitude and the more you do it, the more you will manifest what you truly desire.


10. Create your perfect environment – look at how you are living and with whom. Make your home a refuge from the outside world and install a sense of beauty, harmony and femininity.


11.Love the woman in the mirror. In order to be deeply loved by another you must love yourself first. The most important relationship you have is the one you have with yourself. Own your body, connect with your body and send loving thoughts to your body.

12.  Give yourself a pat on the back; tell yourself what a wonderful job you are doing


13.Nurture your body with sleep, gentle exercise, freshly cooked or raw foods, and reducing stress, visit a Day Spa and have a luscious massage and body treatment


14.Step into your feminine essence. Most women’s core energy is yin or feminine and most men are Yang or masculine, there are some women whose core is yang, while some men are predominately yin. A small number of people are evenly balanced between the two energies and can go either way. Although we tend to think of masculine and feminine energies as opposites, they’re not—they’re complementary. They create polarity; it’s the interplay of these energies that creates attraction. Unfortunately in our culture today, we are conditioning men to get too much in tune with their feminine side, while women are striving to keep up with and overtake men. We are taking over the male role both at home and at work. This lack of polarity totally wrecks relationships. So many women come to me with problems involving relationships, sex, intimacy, self-confidence, weight issues, career challenges and stress and more times than not it comes down to the fact that they are striving in their masculine energy. Now I am not suggesting that we become weak and go back to pre-women’s lib days. But too much masculine or ‘yang’ energy creates havoc with our hormones and menstrual cycle. Start to nurture your feminine essence with dancing, yoga, walking, playing, time with friends, creative pursuits, and move your hips.

15.Love Deeply and Passionately. tell your partner how much you love them, hug them and kiss….. passionately.  I’d love you to write down 10 things about them that you are grateful for … and then Tell Them (this works well for friends and family as well …. LOL except the kissing them passionately part)


16. Breathe. Our breath is our greatest source of energy and aliveness, yet most of us breathe just enough to stay alive. It is an instant way to activate your feminine essence and become present to the moment. Feminine essence is activated through the belly, hips, and pelvis—practice taking a breath that drops low into this region.


17. Be open to receive – Learning to receive is the greatest thing you can do. The limitation of money, the limitation of happiness and the limitation of love, is based on what you are unwilling to receive. Women are bad at receiving – we tend to give and give. It’s as if we don’t feel worthy of receiving. When we don’t allow ourselves to receive, we deny others the opportunity to give to us. Start accepting compliments.

Darling One, You hold the key to your happiness. 

Don’t put your life on hold for a moment longer.

Dare to give birth to the beautiful, magnificent goddess within.

Life is too precious for you to not live it fully

It is time to live your truth

Stop being a victim

Surrender and let go of your old thoughts and limitations

Connect with your purpose

Connect with your spirit

Connect with the goddess within

Join me as we hold each other’s hands

Let go of the familiar and Jump out into the unknown

The biggest risk you can take is to not take any risks at all

Let’s reawaken into the essence of who we really are

It’s time to let your light shine

Have a wonderful day

Love Kim

Savvy Inspired Women

for more informaton about Life and Intimacy coaching and upcoming Workshops please visit

What is Numerology and How Can It Help Me Discover My Life Purpose and the Perfect Career or Business for Me?

Intuitive Career Coaching

How can Numerology help me find the perfect career or business for me?

 – Do you have a feeling that there is something missing in your life?

– Are you are feeling lost, stuck and confused in your current career?

– Do you want to change careers, but are not sure which direction to turn to?

– Would you like to start a BUSINESS and are not sure what type of Business best suits your gifts, talents and purpose in life. 

– Or maybe you have been made redundant and believe this is the perfect time for career reinvention

– Or maybe you are seeking deeper purpose and meaning in your life?

Each one of us came into this life to follow a particular path that would lead us to fulfil our highest potential and enhance the lives of others through our great work.

Why is it that some people seem to have the best jobs in the world, while others struggle with what they call dead end jobs?

Look around you at those people living “charmed lives.” Chances are they’re just living true to their designated paths, they found their destiny early in life.

When you’re on your unique path, you feel impassioned by your own life and work, abundance flows to you, and your life is in harmony.

When you are not living in alignment with your soul purpose – nothing works well in your life; you will struggle and never quite feel as though your work is meaningful and fulfilling. This can result in: frustration, boredom, anger, depression or even chronic illness.

The good news is that we all have an owner’s guide book!

This guide book or blueprint is the way to get us moving back on track and living our life on purpose.

This guide is hidden within the vibrations surrounding the numbers of your birth date

‘When your work is in alignment with your mission, you prosper against all odds’ Sue Frederick

What is Numerology?

Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers and uses those numbers to map the soul’s purpose and to show the way to a fulfilling life. It is used to determine a person’s personality, strengths and talents, obstacles, inner needs, emotional reactions and ways of dealing with others. Whether you use numerology to examine your life, take advantage of unexplored opportunities, confirm your talents or simply figure out where to go next, numerology can be a transformational  tool that helps you understand yourself and loved ones better.

Your Numerology Chart represents the instruction book you brought with you when you entered into life on planet Earth

The History of Numerology

The Greek philosopher and mystic Pythagoras, father of our modern number system, designed a theory of numbers based on the digits 1 through 9 in 580 BC.

Pythagoras taught that each number has a meaning or vibration and by adding the numbers within your birth date and reducing them to single digits, you reveal the nature of the work you came here to do.

In Pythagoras’ system every number has a positive and negative vibration which shows its potentials and challenges.

The numbers can tell us what lessons we came to learn and the challenges that we are going to face.  They also tell us what will make our hearts sing and what career or work would best suit us, along with the potential pitfalls of your path

When we come in on a birth path, we come with specific talents & gifts that we intend to share with the world through our work. If you are doing work that uses those talents you will feel fulfilled in your chosen career and life. If you are hiding out from your mission, you may have ignored, suppressed or forgotten your talents.

To uncover your purpose, you must get in touch with your inner self, pay attention to that small inner voice that whispers to you its need to create, take action on this information, and then manifest it in the world.  This will lead you to create work that you love to do.  And as a result, people will pay you for it. Having money allows you to do more of the things that you love to do in your spare time.  And it gives you the freedom of when, where, and how you choose to work.   

What is Life Purpose?

Finding and clarifying your life purpose can help you to move with greater focus and clarity every day of your life. Refining your life purpose can make it much easier to navigate these challenging times.

Everyone wants to have a fulfilling life. Unfortunately, many people miss a key ingredient to have it: finding their life purpose. They may spend years of their life only to find at the end that they have done the wrong things. Many others achieve fame and financial success but feel empty inside.

 Knowing Your Life Purpose

1. Gives meaning to everything you do. Your life purpose makes everything you do meaningful. You could be successful outside, but if you don’t find meaning you will feel empty inside.

2. It directs and guides you. Knowing your life purpose can give you a clear direction of where to go in life. It helps you make big decisions in life.

3. It motivates you . In life there are always difficult times to go through. You may experience failures or rejections. In such situations, your life purpose can give you the motivation you need to keep going.

Your Life Purpose is much more than a job. Your Life Purpose is your soul’s mission – it is what fills you with enthusiasm for life every day.  Do you wake up every day with the feeling that you can hardly wait to get started? If not, you may not be living the purpose you were born for.

Living in alignment with your purpose enables you to create the life you’ve always wanted.

Living your purpose will attract to you everything you want.

Your Life Path Number and Career Matching:

Your Life Path number is calculated using the numbers in your birth date and as such is unchangeable. Each numerology life path number has a meaning that expresses the inner traits that life will bring out for you over time and can help you realize the best career path for you. This can also help reveal the reasons behind why you may feel miserable in a certain job or life situations.

By letting you know what your exact life path number is and by guiding you on how you can make the most of its qualities, and also learn the challenges, gifts and talents of that particular path, you are one step further to living a life based on the mission your soul came on this earth to fulfil.

When you embrace your life purpose you can …

•Identify your motivation, values, qualities and talents

•Create a personal mission statement

•Unlock your innate passion and personal power

•Uncover your essence

•Bring meaning and fulfillment to your life

•Open to more joy and abundance

•Know and live your life purpose

You don’t need to take dozens of career aptitude tests or spend thousands of dollars on coaching, to find your perfect career. by understanding your birth path number as found in your birth date, you’ll be able to make easy choices that put your career or business in alignment with what you came here to accomplish.

An Intuitive Career Coaching Session using Numerology can help you life a happier and fulfilled life.

 Lets look at a few examples

 A person on the life path  4 is very task-oriented, likes organization, and thrives on the steps it takes to see a job well done. Life path number 4’s would make great small business owners, artists, and would work well in managerial positions. Famous Life Path 4’s are Will Smith and Hiliary Swank

A person with the Life Path 2 suggests that you are one of the peacemakers in society. You are a fixer, a mediator, and a diplomat and are known for your kindness and sensitivity. When you embrace your spiritual side, you are intuitive. Famous Life Path 2’s are Jennifer Aniston and Orlando Bloom

Let’s take a closer look at Angelina Joile who is a life path 5

A life path 5 is the charismatic adventurer, sensual explorer, freedom seeker and agent of change. You are not suited for routine and convention.

You came to this earth with a highly progressive mindset, with the attitude and skills to make the world a better place. The key word for your Life Path is freedom. In the pursuit of freedom, you are naturally versatile, adventurous, and advanced in your thinking. You are one of those people who is always striving to find answers to the many questions that life poses.

Your love of freedom extends to humanity at large, and concern for your fellow man, his freedom and his welfare, may be foremost in your mind

A love of adventure may dominate your life; you thrill to the chance for exploration and blazing new trails. You have quite a lot of the risk-taker in your makeup. Taking the conservative approach is just not in your nature.

On the negative side of the Life Path 5, you need meaning and purpose to anchor you, or life will get chaotic.

As a Gemini 5 life path Angelina has a powerful combination of beauty, brains and charisma. Her great work involves using this beauty, brains and charisma to make a difference in the global condition by calling out attention to problems that meed solving. When everyone wants to look at you, it is your responsibility to stand alongside the issues that matter. As you can see Angelina  is now doing her great work!

When you are not doing your true work and living true to your life purpose, nothing works well – from relationships, to career to finances!

Are You Doing What You Love?

Somewhere we picked up the false thought that we need to work in a boring unfulfilling career that we do not enjoy in order to get survive.

It isn’t surprising that at some point in our lives we get to the stage where we feel depressed, unhappy and disappointed with the way our life and career has turned out.

When our work is not in alignment with our life purpose, it won’t be successful and we won’t be happy.

But when we are firmly on our unique path, we feel impassioned by our life and our work. Abundance flows and your life is in harmony!

 If you are feeling STUCK in your current career?

 Or want to change careers, but are not sure which direction to turn to?

Or would you like to start a BUSINESS and are not sure what type of Business best suits your gifts, talents and purpose in life. 

Or have been made redundant and believe this is the perfect time for career reinvention.

Or maybe you would just like to know if your current business or career is fulfilling your life purpose

Or if you just need some direction in your life

Life Purpose Intuitive Career Coaching using Numerology can help guide you into the direction that is best for you.

Please visit my website .au to find out more

 You were born to succeed.

Your destiny is calling you.

Deep in your soul, you have always known your divine purpose.

Take this opportunity to discover the life you were meant to live

Are You Sitting On a Nail?

 Here is a Story For You ….

“One day a salesman came to a little old fashioned neighbourhood with neat houses and big front yards. There were dogs on just about every front porch. Some of them barked as the salesman walked by and some of them just lay lazily in the shadow. But there was one particular dog that was acting strangely. He whined and howled as if he was in pain.

Preoccupied, the salesman knocked on the door of the house and an elderly gentleman came and asked if he could help him.

“Sir,”- replied the salesman, “I believe that there is something wrong with your dog. He is moaning and groaning, instead of barking like all the other dogs do.” The owner looked at the dog and said, “There is nothing wrong with him. He is just sitting on a nail”. “If he is sitting on the nail why does he not move?” – asked the salesman in astonishment.

“Well” – replied the old man – “it just does not hurt him bad enough” “

Many of us are caught up in a similar situation. We are sitting on a nail, but it does not hurt badly enough. We might want to get a better job, move to a bigger house, continue our education, open our own business, get back in shape, spend more time with our family, but the problem is that our current situation is not uncomfortable enough to do something about it. So in the meantime we continue to work at a job we do not enjoy, live in a small house, spend our nights in front of the computer, and feel guilty for not devoting enough time to our children. And worst of all is that we continue to hope that someday it will all change for the better.

But our life is not a result of the circumstances that we have been put in. It is a result of choices that we make.

Take a few minutes to think what area of your life is causing you the biggest distress and sufferings?

 What is holding you back from pursuing your biggest goals?

 What problem steals your energy and occupies your thoughts?

They say, that “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains”. There is no point in waiting till it hurts badly enough in order to start moving forward and getting back on the right track.

It is much wiser to start right now, when everything seems to be going well, by taking little steps to make our life even better.

 “You can’t cross the sea by merely by staring at the water.”   ~ Tagore

To find out more about Intuitive Career Coaching please visit and


kim  xxx

Are you Feeling Stuck in Your Current Career?

Are You Feeling Stuck in Your Current Career?

Feeling Stuck in a job you hate?

Are You Looking for a New Career to Replace the One that Feels Tired and Worn Out?

Do You Want 2012 to be Your Best Year Yet?

Would You Like to Uncover Your Gifts, Talents and Life Purpose – and Learn How to Monetize That?

Keep Reading to Discover How You Can Create the Career and Life That Makes Your Soul Sing

You were not meant to spend your life working hard, struggling to make ends meet in a job you hate!

Everyone wants to feel like the work they do is meaningful, fulfilling and makes a difference.

– Imagine waking up each morning feeling excited about the day and week ahead of you, because you are loving what you are doing and are recognized and compensated for it?

– Imagine going into 2012 equipped with the information and tools you need to finally achieve the career fulfilment, wealth, success, happiness and passion you deserve!

Each one of us came into this life to follow a particular path that would lead us to fulfil our highest potential and enhance the lives of others through our great work.

Look around you at those people living “charmed lives.” Chances are they’re just living true to their designated paths, they found their destiny early in life.

When you’re on your unique path, you feel impassioned by your own life and work, abundance flows to you, and your life is in harmony.

When you are not living in alignment with your soul purpose – nothing works well in your life; you will struggle and never quite feel as though your work is meaningful and fulfilling. This can result in: frustration, boredom, anger, depression or even chronic illness.

If you have recently experienced a job loss or a major transition in your life, it is because your soul is calling for you to take a new path, a new direction, one more in alignment with your life purpose. Imagine if every career move, relationship and life experience has been deliberate, each containing a lesson or experience that leads us closer to our true life path and our greatest work.

The good news is that we all have an owner’s guide book! This guide book or blueprint is the way to get us moving back on track and living our life on purpose.

This guide is hidden within the vibrations surrounding the numbers of your birth date, or Numerology.

The Greek philosopher and mystic Pythagoras, father of our modern number system, designed a theory of numbers based on the digits 1 through 9 in 580 BC.

Pythagoras taught that each number has a meaning or vibration and by adding the numbers within your birth date and reducing them to single digits, you reveal the nature of the work you came here to do.

In Pythagoras’ system every number has a positive and negative vibration which shows its potentials and challenges.

The numbers can tell us what lessons we came to learn and the challenges that we are going to face.  They also tell us what will make our hearts sing and what career or work would best suit us, along with the potential pitfalls of your path

When we come in on a birth path, we come with specific talents & gifts that we intend to share with the world through our work. If you are doing work that uses those talents you will feel fulfilled in your chosen career and life. If you are hiding out from your mission, you may have ignored, suppressed or forgotten your talents.

To uncover your purpose, you must get in touch with your inner self, pay attention to that small inner voice that whispers to you its need to create, take action on this information, and then manifest it in the world.  This will lead you to create work that you love to do.  And as a result, people will pay you for it. Having money allows you to do more of the things that you love to do in your spare time.  And it gives you the freedom of when, where, and how you choose to work.  

The world is waiting for you to step to be who you truly are!

It is waiting for you to step up into your full radiance and be the leader, healer, teacher, song writer, corporate executive you were born to be.

YOU have a Divine Role, a destiny that is uniquely yours to fulfil.

What is it costing you every day to stay stuck 
in a job you hate?

What is it worth to have the key 
to discovering your soul’s purpose?

What is it worth to have a career/business that you love?


What I would have given 10 years ago 
to know this information, 
it would have saved me years of 
unhappiness and confusion. 

An Intuitive Career Coaching Session can save you time and money 
and get you on the fast track 
to creating what you truly want!


Please visit for more information

Live the Life you Dream of!