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Posts tagged ‘feminine power’

Connecting to The Divine Feminine – 30 Day Blog Challenge

Connect to your Divine Feminine Power

In my Workshop ‘The Goddess Retreat’ (and soon to be online course) I teach Women How to Have It All … By Connecting to their Divine Feminine Power.

But Why Tap into Your Feminine Power?

Most self-development programs are written by men … and tap into the ‘Masculine Model’ of Self Development 


… this is too aggressive and is not congruent with a Woman’s DNA  or her cellular memory – it is not in harmony with the feminine . 

… so when Women try to adopt this male way of thinking and goal setting … it creates inconsistency in attraction of prosperity, fatigue, hopelessness, lack of self-confidence, self criticism and low self-esteem.

This is why women who go to self-development seminars taught by men (not that I have anything against men xxx ), often leave feeling pumped up …. but soon crash and lose confidence  … they are being pumped up on adrenaline (this technique works well for Men) … which is inconsistent with their DNA or cellular memory and their Inner Feminine.

 The Goddess Retreat is different … this program was created by a Woman for Women … it allows Women to tap into their Divine Feminine Power, and by adopting this more natural female model it opens the floodgates to harmony, creativity, empowerment and abundance. 

Embrace your Feminine Power

It is no secret that women have a critical role to play in shaping the future. We women carry the feminine energy of the world. It is our task to honour the feminine energy inside us and insist it be honoured by others.

The Dalai Lama’s proclamation last year that “the world will be saved by the Western Woman” has seen women emerging as the leaders of the global change movement.

It takes a toll on a woman when she  operates out of her masculine energy all the time.

While women are clearly making great strides in the business world, there is a sense of disconnect and lack of satisfaction going on for many women. In other words, even though they may have a huge track record of accomplishments, they don’t necessarily feel good inside.

We all move in and out of states of masculine and feminine energy but, in most cases, it’s more natural for a man to act from his masculine core and a woman from her feminine.

Learning to understand and how to feel and develop feminine energy is the basic thing that will allow you to attract and create all the love, happiness and prosperity you have ever wanted.

 …. And like a pebble tossed in the water … it will ripple across to many others across the world.

Many women have attempted to adopt this masculine model to get on in the business world. They attempt to use a left brain analytical approach, but when a woman attempts to express herself using the masculine model , she feels stress and exhaustion, which manifests in illness, depression, abdominal fat,  loss of focus, low confidence and low or no sex dive. It wears her out and burns her out on all levels.

Women who follow this pattern, soon find the emergence of the Inner Bitch, because she’s going against her nature, her inner wisdom, so she becomes frustrated, stressed out, critical and judgemental because she is confused biochemically.

Tapping into your Feminine energy is not about wearing pretty pink dresses and giggling (although you can if you want ) it is about healing our wounds and giving ourselves compassion so we can create things such as love, intimacy, spiritual connection, self-expression, creativity and intuition in ourselves.

It is about giving birth to a new way of thinking.

Over the course of the one day ‘Goddess Retreat’ you will learn many different exercises that will help you tap into the power of your Divine Feminine.


The ‘Goddess Retreat’ will show you how to  create a Fabulous, Happy, Abundant Life, 
discover the Fabulicious, Babelicious, Luscious Goddess within and get your ‘Sexy Back’ by connecting with your Divine Feminine Power.

The next Goddess Retreat is on Sunday the 16th January … please visit to find out more

Today I am Grateful for …

I am safe and dry in my beautiful apartment

Amazing Energy

That I live my life with a smile on my face

My beautiful Mum and Stepfather … who I visited on the Sunshine Coast on Sunday

My amazing body … it keeps working without me having to remind it to !

I’d love to read your comments about the Divine Feminine … and your grateful list


Kim xxx  

30 Day Gratitude Challenge – What Happened to Your Dreams?

Follow Your Dreams

What happened to your dreams?

It is time to get selfish , and think about what you want and why.

I want you to start thinking about the life you would have if you could.

When a woman ignores her wants they dry up and disappear.

Our precious dreams are what produce the excitement and inspiration
in our lives

Do you think you are too old, too poor, or perhaps you think it is just too late to make your dreams come true ? Do you think you are too busy with your family to bother about what you want?

When we disregard our dreams , we are disregarding part of ourselves, giving up on a part of ourselves.

Well I am here to tell you that is never too late to chase your dream.

Life is full of late bloomers. Success and fulfilment are not reserved for people in their 20’s and 30’s … it is waiting for anyone who is willing to get out there and grab life.

When a woman is happy and fulfilled, those around her share the rewards.

You only have one life, and if you currently dislike where you are, you owe it to yourself to change things and cram it with as much fun, happiness as you can.

It is not selfish to put your desires ahead of your partner or children,
but it is, if you put your needs second …… and then make everyone feel bad about what is happening to you.

Chasing your dreams and desires is dependant on your feelings of self worth.
Low self esteem may affect your career choice, your relationship and your goals.

It is so much easier to ‘play it safe’ in all areas of life.

Playing it safe has it’s benefits
 … that is, you always feel safe
… but is kills your desires and you will never get what you really want out of life.

There is nothing more appealing than a woman who pursues her passions. It could be anything from cooking to dancing to reading or travel – anything that helps you tap into the joys you feel life has to offer you.

Instead of asking yourself, ‘what will happen if I change?’ and become overcome by fear of imagined negative outcomes, try asking, ‘what will happen if I don’t change ?’

Passionate people are contagious, so infect the world with your charm ! If you would like to learn more about how to Live the Life of Yuor Dreams by harnessing your Feminine Power please click this link –

It’s been a difficult day …. Today I am Grateful for –

Getting through the day

A nice chat with my neighbour in the lift tonight ( I live in a high rise apartment)

Listening to a great teleseminar tonight

A glass of wine with dinner

Standing on my balcony tonight and splashing my feet in the puddles – so cool

I’d really love you to leave a comment


Kim xxx