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Posts tagged ‘valentines day’

How to Spice Up Your Valentines Day

Re-ignite your Sex Life

Spice Up Your Sex Life

  How to Feel Sexier and Re-ignite your Love Life this Valentines Day

  1. Feeling More Sexy and Sensual is an Inside Job … Treat your sexy self as you want to be treated. Pamper yourself with whatever makes your feel Sensual, a bath, massage, flowers, perfume. Dance… movement will get you out of your thoughts and back into your body. Put on the sexiest song you know, light a candle and dance.
  1. Say an Affirmation. When you just aren’t feeling sexy, flip your thought by repeating an affirmation to yourself. Try, “I am a fabulous, luscious, sexy woman” (or something of that nature). Fake it till you make it, say it till you feel it.
  1. Express Gratitude – How often do you truly acknowledge what you appreciate about your partner? Write down 10 things about your partner that you are grateful for ~ and tell him/her. Make this a daily practice
  1. Schedule a Date Night. It is essential that you take time out for your relationship as a couple. Schedule a date if you have to, just like you would schedule a haircut or doctor’s appointment. Sometimes work, life’s obligations, and children keep us so busy that the last thing we care to even think about is being intimate. Get a friend or grandparents to look after the children and take some time out together as a couple.
  1. Try somewhere different – Be open, playful and creative. If you always have sex in the bedroom, pick somewhere else in the house! Write a list of the places you’d like to have sex. This can be something as simple of creating a picnic dinner with wine and candles in the living room. Laughing, being a little wild, and having fun are all great ways to re-trigger the lightness and joy you felt when you first met.
  1. Flirt with your partner. Remind yourself how much fun you had when you first met. A fun thing to do is to meet at a bar and pretend to be strangers and flirt outrageously with each other.
  1. Touch –Touch is always a big part of a healthy passionate relationship. Yet so much of the time we forget how to touch our partners. Humans get so much from touch but most importantly they get a barrage of neurochemicals like endorphins and oxytocin. Endorphins make people feel good and oxytocin bonds people together. Hug Your Partner today. Try giving your partner a Sensual Massage.
  1. Erotica – Read some sexy erotica (try Mills and Boon Blaze Editions for raunchy stories) or Fifty Shades of Grey. Lie in bed together, and take turns reading to each other.
  1. Initiate S.ex – Often times in relationships the man is the one who initiates s.ex the most. But eventually a man may get sick of always having to be the one who gets thing started. Be the one to seduce him this Valentine’s Day.
  1. Add some new toys! Experiment with different positions, toys, lingerie and costumes. This creates novelty so these two work hand in hand!
  1. Kiss – not just a peck on the cheek, a REAL KISS – spontaneously kiss your man for at least 1 minute 3 times a day.
  1. Serve yourself for dessert. It sounds silly but it can also be really fun and sexy. Try feeding each other juicy fruit like peaches or strawberries. Grab some yummy ice cream toppings from the kitchen such as whipped cream and chocolate syrup and turn your body into the sexiest sundae he’s ever tasted.

7 day Coaching Challenge

Day 1. Kiss your partner passionately for a full 2 minutes

Day 2. Tonight, ask your partner what turns him or her on. Talking about sex generally leads to sex!

Day 3 – Sleep Naked (please no frumpy flannelettes … or t shirts)

Day 4. Have a bath or shower together and wash each other

Day 5. Send a sexy Text Message or write a Sexy Note and put it in his lunchbox (or Wallet)

Day 6. Buy an erotic novel (or find a story online) and lie in bed and read it to your partner – Remember try Fifty Shades of Grey!

Day 7. Make love somewhere different. Or throw a blanket onto the living room floor, have sex in the bathroom, make out in the Car

“Relationships are like a garden.”  Plant the seeds of Love, Remove the weeds of resentment, shame and blame and then water your Garden with Gratitude, Happiness, Love and Passion.

Kim Gillespie is a Life, Sex and Tantra Coach with Savvy Inspired Women. To find out how you can Re-Ignite Your Sex Life please visit her websites or